which I meant to put up here when I first created it (which I believe was late Nov...lol wut...) but as that didn't happen and my heads on this right now anyways thanks to the dvd almost being here (monday for sure...though it may be close call thanks to me being home @4:30pm if the traffics good and our post office closing @ 5:00pm (that it's going to not be collected @ the house is basically guarenteed being as it's comming on a Monday when litterally everyone in the house works from before the post first arrives until pretty close to the post office being closed!!)...
Anyway this is my now over a year old 'lazy digi' style which basically gets wheeled out for things too silly to deserve actual propper attempt @ anything resembling effort but too ammusing/silly/random/me to simply leave tumbling about my brain space!
in other news:
This is the rout my parcels tend to take these days when I order from Rinkya. On paper it sounds utterly silly, I mean why Kazakstan of all places, but in reality it's actually a lovely straight line!
Though as an aside it apparently came into and left Paris on no less than 3 occations...either someone's gotten their scanning in a little enthusiastically or it's doing little mini journeys through the city and being scanned each time!
My current pet project....because apparently a really basic knoledge of Japanese really was all the spur I needed to start translating SC lyrics. Though I randomly decided to go with Chapter Zero rather than Play A Trick, I suspect because all those lovely chunks of English made me think it'd be easier somehow.
Still the bits you see crossed through now have actual romanisation and once I've got all of it as such I'm going to try and put my slant to it all.
Currently it's actually looking pretty deep as far as intent goes and there's a sort of desperate feeling behind the lyrics which is intruging as it feels more Rin than Ito...
all in all it's going to make for a really interesting experiment being as it'll be the first Double Cheeseburger song that I'll have seen in a vaugly understandable format!