so the parcel is on the move and currently in China...which I still can't see the logic in...surely it'd be quicker to just shove it onto a long hall flight and be done with it rather than bouncing it from country to country on domestic flights...
I guess it must be a cost thing?
Anyway it'll apparently be with me at some point Monday so expect video linkies likely wednesday onward!!
In otherness:
. the foot itching returned and for one long, worrying, day it seemed like the infection might be comming back. It's calmed down now and I'm treating it at home with some antiseptics so fingers crossed I guess.
. Rinkya tell me that the SC booklet should start moving this month so hopefully I can come bother you with many OTP themed scans in the near future.
. Talking of which:
Oh Ken you lime light stealer you...also being as you're there for Rin's sake wouldn't having Scarecrow picks make more sense than carting around solo ones????
oh and :
which is less fun than the first backstage shot if only because Ken is now apparently aware that he should be posing rather than simply lurking!! Oh and I just realised that Yasan is apparently now channeling Gok Wan...pfffffffffffftttttttttttttt