hello LJ!
Today's entry goes like this:
Yesterday I worked with Rob for the very last time.
This because he got an utterly amazing job last week and had to hand in his notice early or miss out on the oppertunity!!
I hugged the hell out of his lankyness yesterday and told him that he was never, ever, going to get rid of me!
To which he nodded and was all "No, didn't think I would." before eventually letting me go.
It was sad and perfect and has me smiling today despite how odd I feel knowing that he'll not be there this weekend with his little smile and genki ways...or ever again.
In happierness (offically now a word!)
In yesterday's Smallville Clark went forward in time, to a point where he's actually superman and got to see what his life would be. There was this realy cleaver exchange in a lift where he met his future self and got all "how did I get so stuck up??" also right at the end he danced with Lois and ended out flying a little.
Also I'm just leaving this here:
Click to view
Because I still can't get over the fact that Kine now knows Rin!! Stop intercrossing Fandom, you were hard enough to keep up with as it was.....
Oh and the outfit on the first guest...