dear goofball,
please never, ever, stop making wonderful music or generally being your amazing, split personalited, self! I hope you have an amazing b-day today in Tokyo and that having your son Bashi with you for todays accoustic live will make things all the more fun for you!
All my OTT affection,
The Otaku.
things of creative note:
. I suspect that, if you take out the day where I became creativly blocked and the RL breaks that I took, this one had the best part of a day spent on it.
. Lazyness in some parts of the song due to me not being able to think of any good ideas for those lyrics!
. Creating this got this cheesy, cheesy, song lodged right into my head!
. Making the boys sing along to that one chunk was stupidly time consuming and should I do it again it'll have to be sylable by sylable so that it looks even more 'correct'.
things of content note:
. There is no reason for that hair clip other than because I felt it'd be fun to draw Rin with one.
. I am not making that pink, pink, shirt up.
. Yes digi Ito realy is a massive sap!