- 015th tide | | decision -

Apr 16, 2009 13:44


[...] [A brief pause...] I put it off for a long while, but... Guess it's time to deal with this and get it over with.

Guys, I'm going down there. Don't worry, alright...? It won't be for a long time! I just wanna make sure I get to the bottom of this, if possible. And I'm not doing much just letting curses wash upon us while I wait here. I got my sword, my magic and a guide, so I'll be alright. I'll keep in touch through the communicator too.

[Knight Filter || Unhackable]

I won't put you through that pain again, Hikaru. I mean it. Trust me, even I can keep from being reckless sometime!

I'll keep my promise too: you and Fuu are the first people I'm contacting if this gets out of hand. Though I'm sure it won't.

[/ Knight Filter]

Mokona, take care of Hikaru and Fuu for me, alright? And girls, be nice to Louise: she only just got here and I feel kinda bad for leaving before I even showed her around.

[Filtered to Road || Unhackable]

Sorry for the short notice. But I'm ready when you are! I'm kinda curious about this umbrella ride we're hitching, too.


[Filtered to Konata || Unhackable]

I know what you're gonna say, but none of us is sure about it yet. I can take care of myself and I will. Thanks so much for worrying, but you don't have to!


[A deep, annoyed sigh, slightly worried too.] Underground, you better be worth the effort. Or at least not too nasty. I really wish that nothing in the world could freak me out anymore...

[ooc: So off to the Underground Umi goes. As a result of her wish she'll be thoroughly unaffected by absolutely anything that comes her way today, maybe to the point of acting a little insensitive.

Optional action if anyone wants to say goodbye in person.]

umi: the underground tour, so asking for it, cruisin' for bruisin', gonna get corrupted, wish me luck?, say bye~

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