- 121st tide | | repentant -

Oct 12, 2010 12:03

...I'm going to spare you all the awkward apology for once. I'm pretty sure there's been enough of those around the Network since that nasty week ended.

It was the stupid curse, NOT ME. EVERYONE knows I'm not like that! And though I hate --and I'll say it again, HATE thinking of what a hard time I gave all of you... I also had it pretty bad myself when it was over. You can be sure of that.

To all the guys I... yeah. I didn't mean what I said! Or... DID. But there's no need to tell you that because I doubt any of you took me seriously, huh?? ...Jeez, please tell me you didn't.

Kazuo, I---

[Filtered to Kazuo || Unhackable]

I... didn't really mean to never show up. But trust me, you're lucky I didn't.

[End Filter]

[Filtered to Eagle || Unhackable]

That was a great try. I wish you'd been able to get it done! At least BEFORE---

...I feel like I owe you.

[End Filter]

[Filtered to Ken and Aya || Unhackable]

So. That'd be what, the second time? If there has to be a third?? Remind me to KILL MYSELF later.

Seriously, guys. Thank you so much doesn't even begin to cut it...

[End Filter]

[Filtered to Clef and Presea || Unhackable]

...I don't know what to

If what happened the other day was even the tiniest bit because of what I did...

Okay, I guess knowing it was the curse's fault really isn't enough. I still feel awful.

[End Filter]

[ ooc : The aftermath of the Lust curse burns, baby, burns. Ever since she returned to the MKR beach house late at night on the 9th, Umi's been avoiding not just the Network but the usual places. Like work SOB. ;; Feel free to notice she's been MIA for the last three days.]

aftermath, no teenage normality, don't need a boyfriend, don't need a date, what she gets for ignoring romance, ...do not want, last thing on her mind, well fuck you too city, what is my life, goes back to her corner, blaming the curses forever, apologies unspoken

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