- 110th tide | | beach -

Aug 05, 2010 13:03


---e right there! Just a sec. ...Don't start without me!

[A wider expanse of blue sky than one can possible get in The City comes into sight, only for the angle to be upset as the Network device moves: a shadow blocks the camera and then drifts down to reveal a beautiful seaside view. Looks like someone tossed a towel onto the chair where the communicator is nestled.

That careless someone is Umi. She's looking perky and happy in her swimwear as she leans down to pick up something from the beach bag out of which the device is poking.] Let's wait for the girls too, alright? I'm sure they'll be down soon...

[A distant voice with a thick accent asks a question and she turns toward the beach, waving a hand.] Sure! Iced tea sounds nice! Just let me--- [A blink: she realizes the device is on but weirdly enough she just laughs the accidental video off.] Aw, typical...

Hey everyone. [This is by far the best mood the Network has seen Umi in.] Vacation's going PERFECT. The beach's great and the weather couldn't--- jeez, I'm sounding like an ad. But I swear it's been a beach day every day since we moved here!

You guys should definitely drop by for a visit. You know who you are. Sorry to everyone we didn't get to tell in time, but if you need to drop a message for anyone in the apartment just page us through the Network, okay?

...Syaoran, I hope the flower shop's doing good. I think I'll be over tomorrow. There's stuff I need to ask you about.

Aw, and... [She looks around, as if making sure no one's looking. Nevermind she's broadcasting. Then she grabs the device and types quickly.]

[Filtered Away from Hikaru || Unhackable]

Birthday beach party's Sunday morning. Be timely and bring plenty of sunscreen!

[End Filter]

[ ooc: YES I LOVE THAT SWIMSUIT FANART OKAY. Just as planned, the MKR crew have put their savings together and rented a beach house for the summer, thus everyone residing in building 8, apartments #5-6 is currently staying by the sea. They've been there since approximately Monday. Umi for one hasn't been and won't be paying much attention to the Network for the sake of vacation activities.

Hikaru's birthday party log will be up on Sunday around midday too. If you're a close friend to anyone in the MKR cast feel free to consider yourself invited.

Action for roommates who wish to join Umi's beach shenanigans and anyone who wants to drop by for a visit! 1001teatimes is making iced tea in the background. XD ]

getting summery, delegating flower shop responsibility, seaside funtiemz, ferio should be here to ogle fuu, breaking syaoran's brain, pretty knights in bikinis, getting away from everything ever, sneaky party planning ninja, happily clueless, vacaaation, wishing shin was around, probable abuse of water magic, umi likes the beach, beach volleyball is a go, way to justify a hiatus, hikaru

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