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|| Deity Filter || laszlo_jamf May 7 2010, 19:07:44 UTC
Life, life, such a sweet thing, life. The biological processes, the cellular regeneration, the elegance of telophase, the necessity of breath and food and shelter, the inherent dangers of life, the complexities of the mind, the slow and wearing and changing effects of life upon life, the dances of evolution, the myriad beaks of the finches, the opposable thumb, the use of tools, mudskippers, flying fish, octopi, cacti, bananas. Life.

Think of the value in that: life. The word is a breath is a word: life. La vie. Vita. Life.

I want something of value. Something of the value of life.

I have taken life for life. Will you offer that?

[ooc: Long note is long, and for that I apologize! In regard to the questions you asked over in the Deity Voicemail: 1. Memories are a little less than what's usually charged for a life, so adding a little something more to sweeten the deal might be good. The memories are fine in part, and they'd probably have to be gone for at least one month if not more, and it would be good if something else could be given up along with them--say, some talent, skill, sense, power, ability, &c. Something else of value, since life itself is so precious in the City. 2. If Umi leaves the City for a while, and then returns, and she's still under the "contract" of the trade, she will not regain these memories until the "contract" ends--that is, if she's under contact for a month, leaves for one week in the middle of the month, and then comes back before the month ends, she'll still have amnesia. If she returns to her canon world, she'll have her memories there (the deities' power only goes so far), but they will not return if/when she returns to the City if that is before the contract of the trade is up. The only way she could regain her memories in the City before the contract ends is if she is restarted completely and remembers nothing of the City at all. Also, it's perfectly fine to have the memories of the trade given up too--that's not a problem at all. Whew! Did I get everything?]


|| Deity Filter || 1/3 soulofocean May 7 2010, 19:14:01 UTC
. . . . . . .


Life's... precious. That part I did get.


|| Deity Filter || 2/3 soulofocean May 7 2010, 19:14:59 UTC
...I can't DO that. My life's not just my own, you know? I'd make all of those who care about me sad if I gave it up. Not to mention Ken'd notice, and Fuu would---

No, being stuck here's one big no-no.


|| Deity Filter || 3/3 soulofocean May 7 2010, 19:15:45 UTC
I hear you take memories too, so how's that?

[ooc: No prob! I was expecting something like this after my deity voicemail's picky questions. XD;; Thanks! How's her childhood memories permanently plus... let's say her fencing skills for a month? I'm reluctant to add her magic because, like her life, she feels it's not hers to give freely, but if push comes to shove she'll agree to that instead of the fencing skill.]


|| Deity Filter || laszlo_jamf May 7 2010, 19:26:59 UTC
I have been known to take memories in the past.

I keep them safe, you know. I pin them to cards like preserved butterflies. After all, what is a memory but a specimen of an existence, that sparking neuron in the dark, a lone star. I pin them to cards and I admire them for so long as I am allowed to keep them.

Memories might do, but they are not the whole of a life. What memories? And what else can you give me?

Remember, you're bargaining for a life.

[ooc: Childhood memories for two months + fencing skills for a month would probably work too, actually, if you'd rather she not lose her childhood memories permanently. I know losing a lot of memories can sometimes really affect characterization. How does that suit you?]


|| Deity Filter || soulofocean May 7 2010, 19:33:13 UTC
So that's why you people collect memories? To admire them? ...You could just ask! Some people here would share them with you willing! Not ALL of them, but... yeah. To the point.

My most precious memories are the ones from when I was growing up. My childhood... That's the happiest time of my life. That's almost worth a whole life of happiness on its own!

[ooc: Really? That'd be great! I thought only permanent would cut if for a life, but if that would be enough I guess we have a deal. I was going to plot with a castmate to trade her memories back precisely for the reasons you quoted above but this is much more preferable indeed.]


|| Deity Filter || laszlo_jamf May 7 2010, 19:37:55 UTC
But I like catching them this way. I see enough of what you tell of your memories on the Network. That is far from the pleasure that comes from these creatures under glass. You don't always tell these things accurately. Language is an inefficient vehicle for communication.

That might do. For a start. That's half a life. What will you give for the other half?

[ooc: Sure, but if you want to work out a plot, I can certainly make the trade permanent too. I mean, plots are awesome, and I can go either way with this. Just say the word. Otherwise it'll be 2 months + 1 month. It's a matter of making the character suffer for the trade, really, whether the cost is permanent or not.]


|| Deity Filter || soulofocean May 7 2010, 19:43:11 UTC
...Figures this would be like a step by step giveaway. Jeez.

The second most precious thing I have's my pride. And my pride's my fencing. That's what my life back home was about since my childhood ended and before... another stuff... happened. So, half and half! Would that be enough now?

[ooc: Well, the details of this plot were still up in the air so I'd take 2 months + 1 month to play safe. Things could happen and too much time could go by before we arrange the other deal. :/b]


|| Deity Filter || laszlo_jamf May 7 2010, 19:51:01 UTC
Cynicism is so unbecoming on the young. I'm allowed to be cynical. I'm old. Shouldn't you be fresh-faced and hopeful and standing in front of a golden sunrise ready to take on the world?

Well, I suppose you can still do that and be cynical, but my point stands.

Pride, meanwhile, goeth before the fall. So I'll take that too, then.

And shall I keep them forever or will you try to haggle me down from "forever" to somewhere within the span of your own life?

[ooc: Okay--it's a deal, then! Just...give Laszlo a minute to get to the time limits of this deal.]


|| Deity Filter || 1/2 soulofocean May 7 2010, 19:54:38 UTC
This place's like a cynicism-making FACTORY! Do you deities seriously expect people NOT to end up jaded after a year here?? Think again!


|| Deity Filter || soulofocean May 7 2010, 19:55:03 UTC
But-! Wait... you're saying I could do less than forever? Can I just give you both for a while and have it be good for Ken's life?

[ooc: Yay! XD Thanks a lot for putting up with this mess.]


|| Deity Filter || laszlo_jamf May 7 2010, 20:03:20 UTC
For a while, yes.

Let's see. How about ten years?

[ooc: Not a problem at all~]


|| Deity Filter || soulofocean May 7 2010, 20:04:55 UTC
C-can it be less than that?? I mean-! I need my fencing to defend myself in this place!!

...Not that I expect to be stuck here THAT long, but-!


|| Deity Filter || laszlo_jamf May 7 2010, 20:34:32 UTC
Five years.


|| Deity Filter || soulofocean May 7 2010, 20:37:51 UTC
...Okay, so I was willing to give them up forever. WHY NOW-??

...Uhh. Wouldn't you get bored of staring at my memories for THAT long??


|| Deity Filter || laszlo_jamf May 7 2010, 20:45:43 UTC
Not really. I haven't gotten bored with anyone else's.


Five months.


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