- 42nd tide | | rising tide -

Jun 08, 2009 13:02

[Private || Unhackable]

It didn't happen again. That means it's over... right? It has to be.

I'm... not sure what to make of it anymore. Should I make absolutely nothing? I mean... I don't want to stop searching for an answer! Even if it doesn't happen anymore I wanna know for certain that it WAS that creep's handiwork. It's happened to other people too.

If I could be sure It doesn't make any difference. He really needs to be stopped. If I fight him again I'll make sure Now I almost regret Maybe...

...But I promised.

[End Private]

I swear this is the last time I refuse to sleep for two days straight. I got no clue how I managed not to just pass out on the street. But conking out for a whole day last Saturday helped. Even if I ended up with a big headache. Looks like I missed on really crazy stuff, so that's another good side to it.

Anyway! I'm glad I got back in shape in time for this! It's gonna be the first time I'm actually GLAD I'm here.

Then there's... this Warden business going on. Tell you what: is there a candidate who'll make sure to do what's possible to help people through the worst curses, make those stupid deity bargains FINE PRINT-FREE and promise us the opening of MOS Burger and Pizza Hut places in the City? No? Then you can forget about my vote. Meaning, this is just a big joke on us and I'm not playing along.

I'll be too busy diving, volleyballing and having ridiculous amounts of fun to bother anyway.

[Filtered to Celestial Being || Unhackable]

I hope you all trained hard! Your coach promised me slaughter.

[End Filter]

beach volleyball is a go, memory gap, vacaaation, ilu g00 crew, umi being umi, doing sea things, no belief in politics

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