(no subject)

Jun 05, 2011 22:27

Whoa I really have neglected my poor journal.  But after prodding from friends and the best suggestion ever for a song for a Captain Jack video, I am finally back with a new music video. A Torchwood one, of course, though Children of Earth doesn't exist here (except for one kiss).

Here is it, a video pondering the eternal question about Jack Harkness--is he gay or European (or in his case, not from this time and space)? Tosh, Owen, Gwen, the Doctor, Suzie and Donna all argue this question until Ianto brings up definitive proof. The song is from Legally Blonde: the Musical.  Enjoy!

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And is I've forgotten how to embed this video since it has been so long, it can also be found on youtube here
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