New Music Videos!

Feb 15, 2009 22:05

Sorry that it has been a couple of months since I lasted posted.  Things--life, work, the holidays, becoming an editor for a friend, etc.--got crazy.  But I do have two new music videos that I'd like to share.

The first is to a Dexter Freebish song "Pretty People" and with that title and the lyrics it had to be a Torchwood video.  And a thanks to my sister for suggesting this song.  Let's see if I remember how to embed a video ...

image Click to view

And it can also be viewed directly on youtube

I also made a Captain Jack music video, mostly focusing on his Doctor Who adventures, and also to a Dexter Freebish song (I don't know what it is about this group but their songs are very inspiring) "No One Knows".  It can be watched on youtube

As ever since I'm still learning, any comments would be greatly appreciated.  And I've got several more ideas for other music videos, some of them even not involving Torchwood or Doctor Who!  Shocking, isn't it? We'll see if I can manage to be quicker in creating them and better about posting on this journal.

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