Well, I don't hate them.

Aug 17, 2008 02:35

The Jonas brothers, that is.
Not half as much as Aaron Carter.

Was an alright night. Nothing too special other than having a stand of my own again, selling programs, glow sticks, and laminated pass-looking things.
My raving came in handy. I sold a lot of glow sticks from it. So that was cool. The boss as well as the other staff were impressed. It was fun.
But I managed to cut my hand up. Get a splinter in my thumb. Pulled the muscle in my right wrist.
Got home, had my sushi. Get on Kesh to find the guild to be anti-social to me. As usual. Whatev. I get on Wrathblade and get him up to 53.
Lell calls. Regails me about her day, which sounded fun. Then abandoned me without asking about mine. Kinda hurt... a tad. Yeah. A tad.
Whatever. I'm not gona bother her with it.

Monday I'mna head to the doc's to get this friggin hemmorhoid checked. It's not bleeding, and is getting worse. Monday I'mna call back the guys from Video Corp of America, hopefully they'll reply with a job offer. I really want to work there, and the interview went okay I thinks. I'll just hafta call 'em back and check.

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