Frustrations... Probably irrational venting

Mar 07, 2004 19:06

Yeah, I know that nobody reads this anymore, so I am not going to really bother anyone if I just use this to vent - and if anyone does actually read this, I am venting about a specific person, some know him some don't; if you do, please, I am going to talk to them in my own time, talking to them will only make problems worse.

Little history, all year a dedicated group of 5 fencers have devoted all their Sundays, and in most cases more, to getting a damn good RenFaire show this year (to upstage last years). We have been under the instruction of Cayce and Eric, one dedicates everything she has, and the other stands around and makes stupid comments when he's there. Mind you Cayce doesn't have certain parts...

So for the past couple days I have devoted all my focus on the RenFaire, and finished all my fights with everyone... huzza. We went over a full show today, everyone showed everyone their fights. Granted they were just finished, and need a lot of polishing, but they are there, and we have 6 weeks after break to do that. *Sigh* I can almost feel that weight lifting off my shoulders.

Just in time to have it $#@! SLAMMED back on by one of the "directors". For the past couple weeks Cayce has been trying to get the contact information to the director of the entire faire from Eric. We didn't believe that he was in touch with them, as he has said he was, and Cayce wanted to make sure.

When we picked him up, after we picked him up Cayce asked if had that information, he said no because he didn't have a printer. I off handedly started talking about how I had to print some things in Bannerman before practice, and he got the hint. I was typing up my last fight, Cayce was doing some homework thing, and he printed out the e-mail with the info for Cayce then disapeared.

In this brief letter it talked about how 1) there was going to be an improv skills workshop Jan 11, and auditions for the 2004 faire. So he has to have had it for some time now. And more importantly, 2) that the dates of the faire were... May 15-16... what happens May 14, school gets out, we all leave. May 15 Rachel, one of our members, walks at Graduation...

We're fucked.

Cayce tells everyone about the date conflict at practice, and everyone seems to get upset, Eric clams he didn't know about the dates at all... but did know about the contact info which was the signature line of the e-mail.

All semester whenever I have come back from Fencing, or Faire practice, I have been pissed off at Eric. I have had to watch my fencing club slowly die because he hasn't "been able to" keep a commitment to teaching us. When he is there, he's out of it for some reason or another, be it lack of sleep, not eating because he's quit his job, weed, pain killers, lack of motovation... whatever. Either way, he's not there, so he hasn't taught us anything. Attendance is down the hole. I had to do some fast talking to keep it alive going into this semester, and we had a better showing then. Granted, Joe has been wonderful and taken over, because I can't go on.

I am tired of watching it die. I have not wanted to admit it before, but its not dieing anymore... its dead. And I quit I am not going to keep pumping my soul into it only to see a fraud kill it. I am not going to fence anymore at Warren Wilson. I compleatly plan on starting again when I leave here, or if we get a commited instructor.

When this year ends, he's out of my life. However until then, I have to fake a smile whenever I see him... I still need to get my hat, shirt, wetstone, and $300+ debt he owes me, back. Oh yeah, haven't mentioned that to many people... this summer he told me that he wasn't going to be able to pay it back in money, so we aranged to have him give me private lessons, as I was his apprentice. Howver that never happened, "beacuse he didn't know his work schedule - which was changing on a weekly basis" though he was able to set up a fine thing with Rachel, which I think they are just doing out of fun. So I tried this semester, he just never got back to me... ever. When they come in, I am going to ask if I can keep two of the swept hilt Schlagers that he ordered (somehow) for faire. [Note: a schlager is a hollow rapier like blade used in SCAdian historical compatitions as well as theatrical re-enactments]. Granted I will be losing that money, but its better than nothing, and its something that I have wanted for a while... and two will let me be able to coriograph duels over the summer.

AAAHARRRGH... well its out. I am going to write him a letter at some point basicly saying that he has lost his honor in my eyes, that I feel that he is a pathalogical lier, and a poor teacher. Or I will cool down, and not run off my mouth.

We'll see... until then pass that bucket of ice please?
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