These violent delights have violent ends

Jan 29, 2023 23:20

Я добрался до ChatGPT и решил испытать ее в рабочей задаче (описать опыт сокращения государственных расходов в латиноамериканских странах). Наше общение:

Я: what were the major government spending cuts in latin america in last 10 years

AI: There have been several major government spending cuts in Latin America in the last 10 years. Here are a few examples:

Brazil - In 2016, the government announced cuts to social spending, including reductions in health and education programs.

Argentina - In 2018, the government implemented austerity measures, including spending cuts, tax increases, and reductions in subsidies for energy and transportation.

Mexico - In 2019, the government announced a series of spending cuts, including reductions in public sector salaries and pensions, as well as cuts to infrastructure projects.

Colombia - In 2020, the government announced cuts to social programs and infrastructure projects, as well as reductions in subsidies for energy and transportation.

These cuts were often implemented in response to economic and financial challenges, including budget deficits and rising debt levels.

Мои глаза лезут на лоб, так как перед этим я вручную облазил интернет, нашел и описал истории Мексики и Аргентины (и Эквадора, о котором зловредный AI решил не рассказывать), и все сходится. Даже вспомнил анекдот про японскую бензопилу.

Я: where can I read more about government spending cuts in Brazil in 2016

AI: You can read more about the government spending cuts in Brazil in 2016 through the following sources:

News articles: Many news outlets covered the Brazilian government's announcement and implementation of spending cuts in 2016. Try searching online for news articles using relevant keywords such as "Brazil government spending cuts 2016".

Government websites: The Brazilian government's official website may have information and reports about the spending cuts. Try searching for "Brazil government spending cuts 2016" on the website.

Academic journals: There may be academic articles analyzing the spending cuts in Brazil. Try searching for "Brazil government spending cuts 2016" in academic databases such as JSTOR, ProQuest, or Google Scholar.

International organizations: Organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank may have reports or analysis on the spending cuts in Brazil. Try searching their websites for relevant information.

Спасибо, кэп!

Кажется, халявы не будет. Я втайне надеялся на список URL-ов, но терминаторы пока так не умеют. Гугл еще поживет.

Краткий поиск выявил, что бразильцы для придания своим мерам бюджетной экономии железобетонного статуса ввели их с помощью поправки в конституцию страны (поправка-55).

Я: Is brazilian PEC-55 still in force

AI: The Brazilian Provisional Measure (PEC) 55, also known as the "Fiscal Responsibility Law", was approved in 2016 and remains in force as of my knowledge cutoff in 2021. The PEC 55 imposed caps on federal spending growth, limiting the growth of federal spending to the rate of inflation for a period of 20 years. The PEC 55 was designed to improve fiscal responsibility and control public spending, and has been seen as a key measure for stabilizing the country's public finances.

Я: where can I find the source text for Brazilian PEC-55

AI: You can find the source text for the Brazilian Provisional Measure (PEC) 55, also known as the "Fiscal Responsibility Law", on the official website of the Brazilian government.

Here's how you can access it:

Go to the official website of the Brazilian government:

In the search bar, type "PEC 55" or "Fiscal Responsibility Law" to find the relevant information.

Look for the official government document that contains the text of the PEC 55, which may be listed as a "Provisional Measure" or a "Law".

If you have any difficulties finding the text, you can also try searching for it on the websites of Brazilian legal databases, such as the Brazilian Federal Senate or the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies. These websites often have a search function that allows you to find specific laws and regulations.

Хорошая попытка, Долорес, но нет. Сайт бразильского правительства по запросу «PEC 55» выдает 800+ документов, и на первых 5 страницах результатов поиска текста поправки нет. А ключевые фразы на английском ("Fiscal Responsibility Law") не находит не только португальская, но и английская версия сайта.

В итоге документ найден Гуглом на сайте Сената Бразилии, и вместе с парой новостных статей и парой статей из рекомендованного Google Scholar лег в основу бразильского кейса.

Что выходит в итоге? Польза от искусственного интеллекта определенно есть. Наводку он дает хорошо. Следующей точно я буду копать Колумбию.

Опять же, и суть мер экономии в известных мне странах, и содержание поправки-55 были сформулированы кратко, по существу и понятно.

А вот инструкции, как и где искать информацию, не всегда надежны. Ну и конечно, есть пресловутый knowledge cutoff (AI находится в блаженном неведении о событиях 2022+ годов), в этой области знаний по-прежнему все вручную.

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