[Filtered to Soul and Karkat's homies]
Guys. We gotta get our asses in gear, now. Go beat the gym, pack up your shit, and reconvene, because somethin' wicked this way comes. Literally.
For the guys from my world; it's... it's Medusa. 'Sall I really gotta say, right?
For the other guys, like Karkat and Dave and stuff... remember that shit I told you guys about? About witches?
There's a strong one headed this way, and if she makes it up here... Shit, I don't wanna think about that.
I give us about a week, maybe more before she makes it here, and I really don't wanna wait.
[Filtered to Rose]
Hey. You did a hell of a job coordinating those idiots to get their asses up here, so I'm kinda hopin' you can help me out on this one. I noticed this kinda shit tends to be... I dunno, reserved for the four of you, after all. So maybe you can go to the other three and plan something out. I don't really wanna step in on your guys's thing, you know? And... I was gonna talk to Jade and have her tell you, but... well, I noticed she doesn't have the best memory.
So you think you can help me out? I'll take care of Eridan and the guys from my world, you take care of John and the rest. Right?
And you know, if there's anything you think we might need, go ahead and shoot. I'll take ideas.
[He's not normally so flexible, but he'll admit -- he's not so good with the whole traveling thing. At least, not when it's motorcycleless. /tear]
[Edit; filtered to Death the Kid]
We need to talk, okay?
It's about who to travel with. I've got someone in mind.