Feb 06, 2011 20:13

[filtered lamely (about 10%) from rockets. this guy has no skill with this.]

[The camera turns on, to show Soul sititng on the edge of his chair with a very solemn expression.]

Maka? Karkat?
Everyone else who'd care, I guess --- Patti's been...
She's been kidnapped.

I don't know what she did. And I don't know why she was taken.
And I don't know what to do next.

[It's right about this time that he wishes he could turn into a scythe -- so he and Maka could just charge in and mow down the bastards who took her.]

Shit. I don't even know where they took her...
Squirt said he didn't either -- don't ask, but he's Patti's Wartortle.
He just heard the struggle.

I don't even know if we can do anything.
But we've got to do something. Maybe we should --- goddamnit, I don't know. Get together and think this over or something.

[end shitty filter number one]

[begin shitty filter number two, to Jade. seriously someone teach him how to do this.]

You think you could meet me outside of Sprout Tower later today? We... kind of need to talk.
And I should probably give you something.

[end second shitty filter]

[ooc: So, thanks to Squirt's escapades and Maka Kadabrarn's ability to communicate telepathically with Soul, Soul now knows Patti's been kidnapped! Yaaaaay. Valentine's is going to suck.
This post is open, by the way, if anyone wants to call him a moron for filtering so lamely. Or try to make him feel better. You could do that, too.]

hugs urgently needed, *video, there goes his plans, feel free to ignore this or something, *action, shit's goin down, seriously not cool, pattinapped!, angst angst angst

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