[oo9] Video/Action for the Hotel (just. always assume this I guess.)

Feb 04, 2011 21:23

[The feed turns on, with the camera half covered in drool. It seems Giet had decided to play cameradog this round out. The setting? The lobby of Violet City's inn. The Pokegear is dropped unceremoniously on the floor, with the view on the side, showing Soul chilling down there and messing with his Pokemon (-125 coolkid points).

ALL OF A SOULDDENLY SUDDENLY --- As Soul bends forward to grab something from his bag at his feet, there's cracking heard, coming from Soul's jacket, where the egg of a little fire Pokemon has been kept for quite some time. He and Maka Kadabrarn just stare at it for a second, before it clicks --- either it's hatching, or he just broke it.

CUE FLIPPING THE FUCK OUT --- until the snout of a little Charmander pokes it's head out of his jacket with a little scoff, as if to say "Shut up, Soul, you're embarrassing me. :|"

A sigh of relief, and he sinks back into his chair.

Until Kadabrarn looks down at her adopted egg --- the Skarmory egg, sitting there, not even really all that warm.

CUE A KADABRA FLIPPING THE FUCK OUT -- but it's mostly in Soul's head, if not for her wailing, because HER POOR BABY]

Tch --- Maka would you ---
Could you --

Seriously, just shut up! It's a steel pokemon, dumbass -- it probably doesn't even have body heat!


No, it's probably not dead in it's shell, okay?

[A shriek can be heard, as his Misdreavus flies into the room, and stops next to Giet. Soul sighs and looks over --- realizing the Houndour has his Pokegear. :|]

Oh, Giet, seriously? Can't you just leave this thing alone? It's --- ew, it's covered in drool. Not cool, dude!
I don't even drool this much, jeez.

[Picking it up and examining it, and --- oh.]

... Oh, hi Johto.

*video, oh hi mark, *action, birth of the wesmander, steel pokemon have no bodyheat, chillin' in the city, eggs everywhere, you're tearing me apart maka

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