Unless either Microsoft actually listens to its customer base and set real changes to its Vista -- literally under the hood modifications and instead of the eye candy...
...Or the open source community, the computer game industry and the guys behind Cedega (most Korean MMOs can't run in *Nix with Cedega because of Gameguard), the big software fishes, and the hardware industry makes all flavors of *Nix a very friendly OS to install and use for everyone (and not just for us command-line types)...
I'm sticking to XP Service Pack 2 and intend to get SP3 when it comes out.
Sometimes I prefer software features that I can actually use (and should be compatible with the machines I use -- back then I used a fully-patched 98SE on a Pentium III 550 for compatibility), and never upgrade if there's nothing useful or significant.
I once had a fellow online gamer tell me he had trouble installing Office 2007 on XP, and told him to downgrade back to Office 2003 because of a compatibility issue (fact is, between Office 97 and Office 2007, little has changed in that Office lineage for me except I need to edit a fanfic; same thing with Photoshop between version 5 and CS3).
Microsoft... Listen up and fix Vista under the hood or *Nix shuts you up and shuts you down. To the guys preaching and developing *Nix operating systems, make it really friendly for everyone so that they'll love to install and use it. And even if I love my Shuffle, I ain't buying an Apple box.