
Jan 17, 2007 03:00

haha this is gonna be really random but ive been feeling like updatin my journal for the past few days and havn't realli gotten down to it as yet.. hmm shall juz do a quick update then, since ive started typing here aniwae

went joggin with changx yesterday =) i cld feel long-buried muscles emerging lol.. and man, i actually had thigh muscles e next day! got a really really bad butt cramp after e jog tho.. well to be more specific, after sitting improperly while gorging on a coconut with changx. haha. my left leg was all numb after that, den the cramps came.. tsk tsk. it was really horrible, lik someone was wringing out my butt muscle lik a wet cloth. bleh. it spread to the thigh.. i cld barely walk la. aniwae, i was thinkin of creatin a blog specially for my weight-loss journey.. hehe.. but i havnt gotten down to it yet =/ lots of new options have surfaced recently.. i bought a skipping rope recently. havnt realli used it yet tho. changx recommends doing a few sets of 100 skips per day. and i was lik wtf?! i was thinking of more like 30 skips.. lol.. oookay.. i guess im really a beginner huh. since my period's ending, i can go swimming again! =D thinking of lik swimming one day, running the next, and maybe doin stationary exercises the day after.. lik alternately.. i guess running aint as bad as i tot =)

hmm i recently spoke to my cousin regardin e clinic assistant job offer but right now i feel more attracted to the thought of workin in a plant nursery.. so im gonna heed my frens' advice and call up all the nurseries to enquire abt jobs! haha. im actually quite apprehensive at the thought, but my fren Yooks told me ive gotta be more thick-skinned. ohwell.. i guess she's right. if i manage to get e job at the nursery, i'd like to supplement it with working part-time at e clinic =D yay for $$$! haha. i dno if this is a dumb idea tho.. cuz ive yet to do lots of stuff.. like finish my driving, lose the weight, and lik finish e courses im takin n gonna take? sigh. =(

hmm shant say much abt the whole confusing issue with my best buddy but my mind has cleared up these few days and i wont let e insane part of me take over, for e sake of my future =) so yeah.. no jumping! only walking when im ready ^^ .. slowly

kk gonna go cycling with changx later so i guess i shld sleep now..  
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