[OOC -- Permissions]

May 10, 2020 13:30

CHARACTER NAME: Hikari-Asakura Hoshi.
CHARACTER SERIES: Shaman King, manga. Original Character.


1). Backtagging: Sure! If a thread's even five months old, I don't mind tagging it!
2). Threadhopping: Love it! ♥
3). Fourthwalling: Ask me first.
4). Canon puncture: Uhh... ask me on this!
5). Offensive subjects: There isn't much you can mention to Hoshi that will set her off, but don't insult her loved ones, or harm them. Even talking about it will earn you more than a death glare. And then we won't have a happy ball anymore and that is very sad. :(


1). Hugging this character: Feel free! Hoshi will totally reciprocate said hug back!
2). Kissing this character: Ask me on this, first, unless if you are Ryuunosuke, then you have total reign over this. As for Hoshi, she'll be confused as to why you're kissing her and then ask you to stop. If the character doesn't stop, she'll start to get annoyed and then shove you off and leave.
3). Flirting with this character: Go ahead, if you want. She'll mostly ignore it, though.
4). Fighting with this character: Normally, yes, but if I have on Hoshi's current status that she's injured, exhausted, or what have you, I'll have to decline. However, she will do what's necessary to protect herself.
5). Injuring this character: Talk to me about this first.
6). Killing this character: Talk to me about it first. She's already died twice in her respective canon and would prefer not to die a third time.
7). Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Again, discuss this with me. If I give you the go ahead, most of her thoughts right now is how foolish she was to sacrifice herself, which she quickly goes to think about her family to try to not get too sad.

Other Information:

Due to the events that Hoshi went through, she won't feel like doing much of anything for a while. Do keep in mind that she still possesses her sunny disposition and that will overrule any hesitation she's feeling. With this in mind, if she's not feeling up to something either due to exhaustion or her injuries, don't force it on her. She'll come around on her own time and effort.

Overall Info Rating: G - NC17.
Death: Talk about it with me first! As I stated previously, she's died twice.
Smut: Talk with me about it.
Yaoi - Het - Yuri: Doesn't have the necessary equipment - talk with me about it - she's straight and will continue to be so.

!ooc: permissions

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