Characters: Watson, Dojima, Open to all weapons and meisters in Casualty Communal. Death City Heights residents also welcome, but Watson may be displeased with you.
Location: Recreational Room
Rating: PG
Time: July 16, Afternoon
Description: Old man moe club Weapons unite! And try to learn how to manage to change into their forms.
I make such a bad role model hahaha. )
Comments 206
So he tried to concentrate... but strangely... he felt like pooping.
Maybe he should have stayed in a corner, because he suddenly found himself staring at Gintoki's straining face.
She closed her eyes, a look of determination on her face as she concentrated on thinking of a weapon.
After a few moments Tohru realized this was going to be harder than she thought.
After sitting through the presentation he took notice of a pretty girl sitting next to him. He smiled. "Hey!"
"Hello there! Are you a weapon too?"she asked curiously.
Dr. Watson, thank you again for organizing this activity.
Don't mention it. It was a pleasure. [warmly]
It is good to see I am not alone in my difficulties concerning Weapon transformation.
[Her eyes pick out the various people in the crowd who are having no success whatsoever in transforming.]
This was the second time that he'd been in the recreational centre, but it was the first time he actually knew where he was. His curious gaze slid from area to area as Yuuri waltzed into the large room. There already seemed to be a few people around, and as he sighted a few that he knew, the young Maou glanced back over to Gwendal, "Ooowaah do you think we're going to see some holy swords here?"
Besides, this placed seemed to have a theme for things revolving around death and this world's folklore.
Gwendal didn't like the fog either, not when it changed color and quakes seemed to happen. If he had his earth magic, he could pinpoint the epicenter and find out what was going on.
"Hmm well what do you think I'd be, Gwendal?" He asked curiously.
[what wasn't easy was finding a good vantage point in which to perch from. blasted smooth walls. at least it meant he wasn't well-hidden in a crevice somewhere; in fact, he would be standing just a bit off from a corner, frowning faintly at the ground-level view of all the others milling about.]
[ah, well. any sort of observation would do its job (after all, it wasn't as if he was even completely sure he was a Weapon).]
He's also scanning the room like he's looking for someone, seemingly more interested in finding whomever it is than in sitting down to practice "The Style of the Purple Cannon."
He crosses over to the mouse and crouches down on the floor, cigarette held casually between his lips.]
Heya, little buddy.
[a definite eye-brow raise, even though he didn't look over at Badou-- still looking along the sparse furniture and walls, even though he knew for a fact that he wouldn't find anything. at least this time, the other Weapon didn't shout or start questioning his clothing.]
[the nicknames could be cut short, though.]
{ -- asjkgnkh I'M SORRY FOR BEING LATE I never got the notif. ;; reply only if you wish. :x }
You looking for a better vantage point? [And he extends a hand, palm up, and lays it on the floor a few inches away from Basil, offering the mouse a lift.]
[[No worries! I've been spread really thin the past several days, and I definitely don't mind backtagging! Pls pardon me if I am slow with tags though.]
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