[Training Log for Reborn, Tsuna, and Yamamoto]

Dec 25, 2011 02:32

Characters: Tsuna (pubertypills), Yamamoto (swingnintherain) and Reborn (ombrasolare)
Location: Training Grounds
Rating: PG (Unless you are incredibly sensitive to KHR-mafia-style violence...)
Time: January 11th, Morning
Description: Reborn drags what remains of his charges out to the training grounds for some work on marksmanship...

Ever since Gokudera had left, Reborn had been making sure to push Tsuna hard enough to keep him from dwelling on the situation overlong. The fact that learning how to shoot a gun was a skill his student would have had to pick up eventually was a benefit, true, but overshadowed by the need to make sure his mind was occupied enough to prevent a depression.

(Only a year ago, Reborn would have considered his methods completely opaque to his dame dame student. He had a feeling it hadn't gotten past Tsuna quite so thoroughly this time.)

"If you plan on hitting anything smaller than the side of a barn in the near future, you might consider changing your stance, Tsuna," he said dryly, standing just behind Tsuna. "We haven't even begun yet."

sawada tsunayoshi, yamamoto takeshi, reborn

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