Characters: Matsunaga Hisahide and Maito Gai
Where: Hikan Tea Shop
Rating: Gen
Time: During the day, January 11th
Description: Gai realizes that an aloof facade may be hiding something more raw than most, and seeks out Matsunaga.
What's one without the other? )
"Thank you." Hisahide had no real warmth in the words before he got up to retrieve what it was that the man had paid for. He returned swiftly enough with a cup set down at Gai's left before the tea was poured and subsequently set aside on the table.
Straightening in his seat, he had not taken the time to answer any of the questions before he left to get the tea. He listened to them and thought the questions -- which were more like requests -- to be relatively foolish. "What you are wishing to become close to is nothing more than a ghost. I had died twice already in my world, and so I am merely drifting. What you see before you is something that is living and not living at the same time."
His hands opened to gesture to his person. "I have no desire for friends and see no reason for them beyond to emotionally and physically manipulate another to do the bidding of one, because of those bonds." He tilted his head just slightly as he remembered something in his past. "It makes me nostalgic, but that is all that it does. You can find out more about me, but do not believe that it will make us friends or that it will make any sort of connection between us. In the end, this is but temporary until death or the BREW sends us away."
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