Tea and Talk

Dec 23, 2011 22:57

Characters: Matsunaga Hisahide and Maito Gai
Where: Hikan Tea Shop
Rating: Gen
Time: During the day, January 11th
Description: Gai realizes that an aloof facade may be hiding something more raw than most, and seeks out Matsunaga.

Gai didn't often take breaks mid-day for tea. He was rather looking forward to it, even if this was going to be delicate. It was sometimes hard, trying to help, and sometimes his efforts were unwanted, but Gai tried anyway. He didn't see a point in not trying.

Entering the shop, Gai took some time to admire the feel of the place. It was almost like a tea shop from back home and few things here reminded him of home. Catching sight of the other man (he kept comparing the faces in front of him with the one on the device), Gai walked over. "I am sorry. I do not think I got your name. But I am here now, and what tea would you recommend?"

matsunaga hisahide, maito gai

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