Characters: Itou, Franziska, Stein, and Kasai
Location: The edge of the football field near Death City Heights.
Rating: PG-13
Time: January 1, about an hour after
Description: Kasai has a gentlemanly discussion on the merits of arson, and then gets his ass handed to him.
It hadn’t been a spur-of-the-moment thing. It had actually been something of a goddamned production, but given the results, he wasn’t going to complain. The sight of the flames taking to the inrush of oxygen from the broken window by blowing out every inch of glass they could reach warmed his heart and made the stress of the last few weeks disintegrate into the smoke billowing out of the building. Inevitably, that stress would come back, but for the moment he was as relaxed and elated as he’d been in a while. There was such a joy to seeing something burn like that, especially when it was for no-one’s sake but his own.
With his hat pulled down and his cigarette in hand, Kasai carefully maneuvered his way through the dark streets, avoiding wandering drunks and curious or frightened onlookers gaping at the sight of the burning building between the other buildings. He tried to not draw any untoward attention to himself even knowing that there was no way in hell he was getting away with this. Not with Katsuragi here, or Squalo if he wasn’t already smashed, and definitely not with a video that had both his voice and his somewhat distinctive silhouette on it (the hat did sometimes work against him). But he hadn’t planned on getting out of this unscathed. Jail wasn’t the worst possible outcome here, and in any case strictly avoiding it really wasn’t worth the irritation of crushing insatiable urges and buying out every gas station’s cigarette supply. He didn’t have that much money left. Petty theft only got you so far.
He didn’t want stray too far. With the city’s construction, getting too far away would make it impossible to see what happened next. The frozen and snow-laden football field would be dark and empty at this time of night, and it seemed like a good enough place to wait. Provided they didn’t know much about him or arsonists in general, they’d think he’d gotten as far away as possible and start searching everywhere else first.
Kasai pulled his jacket collar up higher to keep out the cold, glanced at the communicator in his hand, and headed down the street, prepared to watch and wait and make sure everybody knew it was him at work here to help them celebrate the new year.
Provided he didn’t freeze to death first.