[OPEN] tea shop of pessimism

Nov 18, 2011 11:23

Characters: Matsunaga Hisahide and OPEN.
Location: Hikan Tea Shop
Rating: PG-13.
Time: January 1, 2010. 12pm-11pm.
Description: The official opening of Hisahide's tea shop.

[ The man cared very little about the all the celebrations that accompanied midnight. This is why he decides to open his shop with just a few announcements of its opening and going to rest in what he will call his usual spot. Reason for opening it so is that he simply did not wish the annoyance of the previous year. This year will show to be no better, but if things are truly wiped clean, then he will do well to ignore and otherwise forget about those that have brought him slight annoyance.

He thought of having it be a traditional shop, but then he decided that he had no real ties to his world. Why should he make such ties to it now? The shop itself appeared like a mix of various tea shops, almost in a manner that one would think that he did not know what it is that he wanted, and so designed it to show all aspects of all forms of such an establishment. But it was deliberate, because Hisahide felt that he could not be bothered to maintain a true atmosphere, and this allows others to feel the same ease that little chaos brings. He sets the device on the table to watch the fools start the year no different than the last, and drinks his tea.]

[ ooc: And like all these open, feel free to start your threads! Just put in [OPEN | DATE | TIME] for the threads.]

bakura ryou, mami tomoe, itou kamotaro, franken stein, matsunaga hisahide, himura tomoe, jules de ferrier

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