
Jan 01, 2010 13:35

Characters: Shibuya Yuuri a-r0yal-flush, OPEN
Where: Holocaust Mall
Rating: G
Time: 14th of July.
Description: Yuuri's wondering around the city to see what it's like for himself while trying to make a difficult decision.

The Maou's attention is defeated easily by the shiny. )

shibuya yuuri, badou nails, horohoro

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notsobigbad January 2 2010, 22:39:34 UTC
It was hot. So hot that Horohoro couldn't even stand sitting around his room--standing in front of the fridge with the door open didn't even seem to work for him any more. He had spent most of the day once again trying to make ice magically form from nothing, which of course only made him hotter and tireder. Eventually, he came to the conclusion that sitting in his room would only make time tick away slower, so he might as well get out and do something that will take his mind off the heat.

That was why he was currently wandering around the streets of Death City.

He had almost no money, and the money he did earn was all put towards things for himself, which was usually food. He had already bought a few ice cold drinks and, despite the heat, would buy fry foods whenever he passed a booth.

For the most part, he would ignore the people walking around him. The boy that looked way too excited and jogged into the mall had Horohoro interested, though. "Who would look that happy out here?" he grumbled, and followed after the boy at a slower pace.


a_r0yal_flush January 2 2010, 23:45:38 UTC
Dark eyes peered around curiously as Yuuri stood just a few steps in from the main doors. It didn't take long for him to notice the image of skulls everywhere, and he found himself grimacing slightly. It all seemed a little bit morbid, but then who was he to complain? Shin Makoku had flying skeletons wandering throughout the lands.

Now where to start?

Scratching at his chin, Yuuri made a soft thoughtful noise as he considered that question. Well... he was sure that either of them would be happy with anything, but what did he get people? He'd never been any good at picking out presents for others. Actually, when had he ever picked out something for someone? That question left the young Maou stumped as he stood there and scratched the back of his head.

His Mum liked fantasy. Maybe he should try and find something like that?


notsobigbad January 4 2010, 02:19:51 UTC
Horohoro stayed back a few steps, following the boy around. He told himself that this wasn't creepy--it was just part of his job, following suspicious-looking people around. This kid was totally suspicious, smiling and looking completely out of place with the rest of the crowd. That's weird, right? Horohoro asked himself, picking some of the leftover fried food out of his teeth. There was only so much smiling one person could do before--

Apparently, his mind had wandered a bit too far, because the next thing Horohoro knew, he was smashing face-first into someone else.

"Arck--!" He bounced back, holding onto his nose and hissing. "Watch what you're doing! What kind of person just stops in the middle of the..." His sentence came to an awkward end when he realized that he probably had just smashed into the person he had been following.

"Uh..." A getaway would probably involve some quicker thinking.


a_r0yal_flush January 4 2010, 03:12:24 UTC
No sooner had he come up with an answer had he felt the slam up against his back. His whole body lurched forward from the impact as Yuuri's arms flailed out to help his balance. "Woah!" Stumbling forward, the young Maou glanced back over his shoulder after he'd righted his balance.

"Aaah I'm sorry! I wasn't even thinking," He didn't realise that stopping to look around the mall was illegal here. There should really have a manual they give people to give them a heads up on things like this.

Peering at the other boy in worry, he hoped that he hadn't hurt him too badly, "Are you okay?"


notsobigbad January 4 2010, 19:12:43 UTC
Once his confusion had worn off, Horohoro was ready to make a run for it. He realized it was too late after the boy had gotten a good look at his face. That, and the boy seemed apologetic, rather than angry or hostile, so Horo didn't think that his cover had been blown (not that it was increasingly obvious to anyone other than himself who he was and what he was doing).

"Yeah, well. I guess I'm okay," he grumbled, rubbing his forehead and the bridge of his nose. "I don't think anything's broken. Guess you got lucky."

He smirked at his little joke, trying to look the role of the intimidating bully-type, and completely failing. "What where you thinking just standing around, in the way?" His voice was a little annoyed-sounding, but he was more curious than anything.


a_r0yal_flush January 5 2010, 02:54:01 UTC
There was no doubt within his mind of the guilt he felt for possibly causing the other boy harm. He really hadn't meant it, and Yuuri felt as though he had to make it up to him. It had been his fault, after all.

"Aaa I'm glad," Yuuri muttered while nervously rubbing at the back of his head. He didn't catch the attempt to joke, but that hardly stopped the young Maou from smiling.

"What am I doing?" He asked before glancing at the other boy curiously, "I'm taking a look around the mall. I'm not doing anything wrong, am I?"

Was it also illegal to go looking around malls here? Was that why there weren't that many people? What if there was a number system and you could only go on certain days? The thoughts caused Yuuri's eyes to widen in horror.

"If I'm not meant to be here on this day then I'm sorry. I didn't know," Yuuri said while waving his hands in front of him apologetically. He knew that there were some places back on Earth that did that, and maybe this city did as well? He really hadn't wanted to cause any trouble. Was this why Gwendal didn't want him going out by himself? Aaaa why didn't he listen to his retainer? "I've only been here for a couple of days so I'm still learning how things go."


notsobigbad January 5 2010, 19:38:39 UTC
"Whoa, whoa! Settle down!" Horohoro tried to get the boy to quiet down, putting one finger to his own lips and using the other hand to make small, sweeping motions. "You don't need to freak out. You're fine. I was just wondering what you were doing stopped right in the middle of the walking way, that's all." Damn, this boy was making him feel bad, when really, Horo assured himself, he hadn't done anything wrong.

The last bit the boy said caught his attention. "Huh? You got pulled into this place too? Just a few days ago?" Horo sighed and rucked his hand through his hair again. "Look, there's some stuff you have to know. First of all, most of the people in this place are crazy." He wasn't going to wait for the boy to ask him for more information, Horo would gladly give it to anyone who might believe his conspiracy theories. "That school, for example. Those nutcases are up to something, I know it. You just gotta be careful with--

"Oh. I'm Horohoro, by the way." He grinned and stuck out a hand. "We have to shake here...I think. If you didn't know."


a_r0yal_flush January 6 2010, 02:34:24 UTC
"Huh? I wasn't doing anything wrong?" Yuuri asked after the other boy attempted to calm him. Blinking in confusion, he leant in a little closer to listen to the explanation before it seemed as though a light bulb went off in his head. So he was just checking to see if he was okay? How nice of him! "Oooh, I see! Aaa well I'm sorry for making you worried then."

Nodding his head, Yuuri smiled cheerfully as he happily said, "Yeah, I got here just before the storm ended." His expression faltered, however, at the mention of him suggesting that people were a little crazy. Was there an insane asylum somewhere around here? Waitaminute! "They send their mentally ill to a school?!" His eyes widened at the thought before he paused to ponder out-loud to himself, "Although I suppose that it would be good to try and put them in a normal environment."

Peering curiously at the other boy when his sentence abruptly stopped, Yuuri blinked as he muttered a quiet, "Careful with...?" Before he found himself thoroughly distracted with the introduction. "I'm Yuuri!" He offered and took the hand without hesitation. "It's nice to meet you."

Gunter had put him through how many lessons involving the customs of other countries that he knew not to offend - not that Yuuri would want to do that anyway.

"How long have you been here for, Horohoro?" He asked with a friendly smile before his expression gave a momentary pause, "Urr... unless you actually live here...?"


notsobigbad January 6 2010, 05:34:55 UTC
"I wasn't wor--uugh? Well, I don't know if they're 'mentally ill' like that, but...they're weird. Crazy and weird. Yeah. It's hard to get used to, you know? The people and...stuff." This boy had a lot of question, too many for Horohoro to keep up completely. He just tried to get in the most important answers when he could.

The questions involving the school and city were especially difficult for Horohoro to answer, as he hardly knew anything about the place himself. "No! No, I'm not from here. I'm from Japan. Uh, Hokkaido.

"Someone I know even followed me here, I guess. Well, two, but one of them disappeared." He makes a face, and then grunts at the thought of Yoh's disappearance. "But, uh, that's why I'm scouting around the town. Trying to find traces of him and stuff. I don't know if the demon weapon thing sent him back or something happened to him, but it's really creepy. Most of this stuff here is creepy."

He pauses when he realizes that everything he's saying is probably way over Yuuri's head. "Ahaha, sorry. What was your question, again?"


a_r0yal_flush January 6 2010, 17:18:03 UTC
Yuuri tried to keep up with what Horohoro was saying, but it took him a moment to realise that he didn't actually mean there was an asylum around. That was a relief to the young Maou, and he released the breath he'd been holding. "That's a relief!" He muttered contently. Shaking his head, the smile returned to his lips as he smiled in comfort, "No, I think I know what you mean."

He'd felt at a loss when he'd first arrived on the edges of Shin Makoku. Yuuri still grimaced at the memory. How he could have thought he'd been flushed to the Swiss Alps was beyond him, and the thought caused him to inwardly laugh awkwardly.

"You're from Hokkaido? I've never been up there before," Yuuri said while rubbing his chin in thought. Shaking his head, the young Maou smiled widely. To think that there would be someone else here from Japan as well! "I'm from Tokyo."

Horohoro's next words, though, caused his thoughts to pause as he peered at his new-found friend in concern. "One of your friends disappeared?" His heart clenched at the thought before his expression narrowed in determination.

"I'll help you look!" Yuuri said instead of answering Horohoro's returned question. He wouldn't want anyone to go searching around for a lost friend by themselves. No one should have to do something like that. "Two pairs of eyes are better than one, right?"

What if it had been one of his friend's lost? What if it was Gwendal?

[ooc: knew I forgot to put something into the reply >_>]


notsobigbad January 7 2010, 00:38:36 UTC
Horohoro grinned at meeting another person from Japan. That was the second or third...he was pretty sure. And then there were all the crazy people claiming to be countries, but Horo didn't really count any of them. Especially that guy from China. He talked funny.

It was hard to keep his mind focused on Japan, though when the subject of disappearances came up. Maybe they could reminiscent about their country of origin sometime later.

"Thanks. I have a couple of people already helping me out, but more would help a lot!" Horohoro grinned, trying to show that he really did appreciate the help. "Most people are scared to even go looking because of the crazy guy on the loose. He hurt this nice, helpful guy, and then sent him back to us like he's just showing off or something.

"And the school is just gonna sit and wait. Isn't that shit?" At this time, Horohoro's voice has raised considerably and his fists are clenched. He realizes this, and tries to settle down, looking a bit sheepish.

"Sorry about that. But it sucks." He huffs and stuffs his hands in his pockets. A lot of this he should have probably kept to himself.

[[OOC: It's all good! :D ]]


a_r0yal_flush January 7 2010, 00:56:51 UTC
The grin instantly put the young Maou at ease, and he found himself more than willing to help Horohoro with his search. "What crazy guy?" He paused and blinked at the mention of the crazy guy on the loose. Peering curiously at the other boy, Yuuri found himself asking, "The crazy guy hurt someone?"

He still didn't know exactly what this school was for. Yuuri was pretty sure that Gwendal and Watson had explained it to him at some point, but there had just been so much information to take it that he could barely remember how long he'd been here.

"You don't need to apologise," Yuuri shook his head before he glanced at the other boy in worry, "Why won't they do anything if there's someone dangerous out there?"

[ooc: tehe~~ Horohoro's always been one of my favourite characters in SK ♥]


notsobigbad January 7 2010, 07:40:21 UTC
Horo huffed again, but took his arms out of his pockets so he could talk a little more animatedly. "They say they're doing something, but they're taking too long." Another huff, and a kick of his shoe against the ground. "They're worried that he's too strong, but I doubt it. I mean, these people fight demons and witches and stuff."

Even though Yuuri didn't seem bothered by the discussion, Horohoro had the uncomfortable feeling that he was talking too much about something important with someone he had just met. Sure, he was just trying to warn the guy and try to win some help over to his side, but he probably wasn't leaving the best impression either. He pushed himself once again to change the subject to something more upbeat.

"Hey, Yuuri." He grins again. "Busy? I was gonna see if this place had anything fun to do. Been kind of keeping myself in my room for a while, and thought I'd get out and get used to the place. Obviously not leaving any time soon."

[[OOC: Ah! I hope I do right with him, then. And your Yuuri is delightful. :) ]]


a_r0yal_flush January 7 2010, 07:49:35 UTC
While whoever Horohoro might have been dangerous, Yuuri couldn't help but feel as though something should be done about it. "Worried that he's too strong?" He questioned before shaking his head and taking a step in to ask, "What if we all try and help them? Surely there's something that can be done, right?"

He couldn't just sit around and wait while there was someone dangerous out there. While he might not have his powers here, Yuuri didn't think that he'd be entirely helpless. There had been many situations back home that he'd managed to diffuse without turning into the Maou.

"Huh?" The grin and sudden question instantly derailed the young Maou's thoughts. It took a few seconds for Horohoro's words to sink in, but when it did Yuuri's expression instantly brightened.

"I'm definitely not busy!" He announced excitedly. The thought of going exploring left him wanting to do nothing but that. "Let's go explore then!"

[ooc: You've nothing to worry about, I'm really enjoying him! :D Ooo I'm glad you like him! ^o^ these two make me laugh.]


notsobigbad January 7 2010, 08:11:50 UTC
Glad to have the serious discussion behind them (it was very much not in Horohoro's style), his grin brightened further. "I was thinking of getting some more food and then seeing if this place has someplace cool to sit around in. I mean, it's really hot here. I'm still not all that used to it.

"I probably should be training, but...eh. What Ren doesn't know he can't yell at me for!" He laughed and motioned forward with one arm. "Maybe we can do both and find someone cold to eat! Like snow cones, if they got 'em."

He already started walking, trying to keep his gait cool and laid back, but he can't really help feeling exciting about eating something more with a new friend. He'd been pretty down about losing Yoh and Kazu, so finding someone to hang out with that didn't yell at him (not that Ren was all that bad), was a nice change of pace.

Now that he felt a bit more relaxed, and with the food court in view, his showboating nature was activated . "How fast are you, Yuuri? Bet I can beat you to that first table!" And without waiting for an answer, Horo took off running.

[[OOC: Glad for Horo to have a dorky friend again! Aha.]]


a_r0yal_flush January 7 2010, 08:23:50 UTC
"Food? Now that you mention it, I'm a little hungry." The moment Yuuri thought about it was the same moment his stomach decided to grumble. Clutching at his stomach, the young Maou tried distracting Horohoro from the embarrassing scene as he muttered, "I can only imagine. It's pretty cool up in Hokkaido." He'd been so caught up in trying to distract Gwendal that he'd forgotten to have breakfast that morning. Aaa it was no wonder he was so hungry!

"Oooh what sort of training? Is it for that meister... weapon... thing?" Yuuri asked as they began heading off. Any type of food was sounding good to him about now, but Yuuri couldn't help but wonder if this 'Ren' that Horohoro spoke of was one of the friends he'd mentioned earlier.

Glancing around at all the various shops and people as they approached the food court area, Yuuri's attention took a few moments to focus back onto his new-found friend. "What do yo--" The young Maou's words cut off as Horohoro was suddenly off and running. Yuuri was off and quickly following a moment later, but it was more out of confusion than any actual realisation to the race in question.

His speed was good, but his new friend had gotten a good head start on him already. "Hey, wait up!"

[ooc: haha same for Yuuri! :D dorky companions are always the most enjoyable! Haha and Horo is definitely stuck with Yuuri now ♥]


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