
Jan 01, 2010 13:35

Characters: Shibuya Yuuri a-r0yal-flush, OPEN
Where: Holocaust Mall
Rating: G
Time: 14th of July.
Description: Yuuri's wondering around the city to see what it's like for himself while trying to make a difficult decision.

The Maou's attention is defeated easily by the shiny. )

shibuya yuuri, badou nails, horohoro

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Comments 43

smokeeasy January 2 2010, 18:22:05 UTC
Badou wasn't usually too big on the whole mall culture thing. Not that he never frequented them, but most of the time he was a thrift-store and corner-shop kind of guy. Problem was that after that sandstorm quite a lot of the smaller shops seemed to be closed for clean-up and repairs, and there were some things that a guy plain just needed to survive.

For him, prime amongst those was a steady supply of smokes. He'd managed to scrounge enough to keep him going the past couple days since his arrival, but it was getting to the point where he'd need to establish himself a steady supplier. And there was at least a 60/40 shot that there'd be a tobacconist in the mall. So off he went, trying his damnedest not to think about the morbid name that the place had: The Holocaust Mall. Who named a place something like that, anyway ( ... )


a_r0yal_flush January 2 2010, 18:35:03 UTC
Yuuri's attention went every-which-way as he took in his surroundings. He'd been in Shin Makoku for so long that the sights of a mall felt almost foreign to him. Sure, he was in another completely different world and everything seemed to involve death in one way or another, but that was beside the point.

They had to have something unique here, but what would Greta want?

Scratching his chin in thought, Yuuri aimlessly wandered his way over towards the middle of the large walk area. His attention seemed to be stolen by one shop in particular that had a large skull fixated right on the shop front. Aaah he was sure Kohi would love it here.

His thoughts came to an abrupt stop as he bumped shoulders within someone standing in front of the directory. "I'm sorry!" Flailing his arms out, Yuuri's eyes widened impossibly large as he spluttered, "I wasn't watching where I was going."


smokeeasy January 4 2010, 10:44:14 UTC
Jarred a bit, but certainly not knocked off-balance, Badou turned to look at the young man who'd bumped into him, raising his hands reflexively as though to steady him. "Whoa, man. You okay?"

He took half a step back to keep himself well clear of the flailing arms and shoved his hands into his pockets. (It kept him from thinking about how badly he wanted them to be lighting a smoke just then.) "Pretty sure the stores aren't going anywhere before you get to them. Especially since they all look pretty dead already."


a_r0yal_flush January 4 2010, 15:51:10 UTC
There was a definite sigh of relief when it appeared as though he hadn't injured the one he'd bumped into. "Mmhm! I'm fine," Nodding his head at the question, Yuuri peered up at the taller male as he said, "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

Yuuri seemed to settle down a moment later, and after giving the stores a quick look around at the observation, he made a soft thoughtful sound when he found it to be true, "Huh, would you look at that." He'd been too distracted by the shining lights to take any notice of the lack of people.

Turning his attention back to the other male, the young Maou smiled, "I'm Yuuri, Shibya Yuuri, by the way. Sorry for nearly knocking you over."


notsobigbad January 2 2010, 22:39:34 UTC
It was hot. So hot that Horohoro couldn't even stand sitting around his room--standing in front of the fridge with the door open didn't even seem to work for him any more. He had spent most of the day once again trying to make ice magically form from nothing, which of course only made him hotter and tireder. Eventually, he came to the conclusion that sitting in his room would only make time tick away slower, so he might as well get out and do something that will take his mind off the heat ( ... )


a_r0yal_flush January 2 2010, 23:45:38 UTC
Dark eyes peered around curiously as Yuuri stood just a few steps in from the main doors. It didn't take long for him to notice the image of skulls everywhere, and he found himself grimacing slightly. It all seemed a little bit morbid, but then who was he to complain? Shin Makoku had flying skeletons wandering throughout the lands.

Now where to start?

Scratching at his chin, Yuuri made a soft thoughtful noise as he considered that question. Well... he was sure that either of them would be happy with anything, but what did he get people? He'd never been any good at picking out presents for others. Actually, when had he ever picked out something for someone? That question left the young Maou stumped as he stood there and scratched the back of his head.

His Mum liked fantasy. Maybe he should try and find something like that?


notsobigbad January 4 2010, 02:19:51 UTC
Horohoro stayed back a few steps, following the boy around. He told himself that this wasn't creepy--it was just part of his job, following suspicious-looking people around. This kid was totally suspicious, smiling and looking completely out of place with the rest of the crowd. That's weird, right? Horohoro asked himself, picking some of the leftover fried food out of his teeth. There was only so much smiling one person could do before--

Apparently, his mind had wandered a bit too far, because the next thing Horohoro knew, he was smashing face-first into someone else.

"Arck--!" He bounced back, holding onto his nose and hissing. "Watch what you're doing! What kind of person just stops in the middle of the..." His sentence came to an awkward end when he realized that he probably had just smashed into the person he had been following.

"Uh..." A getaway would probably involve some quicker thinking.


a_r0yal_flush January 4 2010, 03:12:24 UTC
No sooner had he come up with an answer had he felt the slam up against his back. His whole body lurched forward from the impact as Yuuri's arms flailed out to help his balance. "Woah!" Stumbling forward, the young Maou glanced back over his shoulder after he'd righted his balance.

"Aaah I'm sorry! I wasn't even thinking," He didn't realise that stopping to look around the mall was illegal here. There should really have a manual they give people to give them a heads up on things like this.

Peering at the other boy in worry, he hoped that he hadn't hurt him too badly, "Are you okay?"


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