Characters: Sora, Riku, Kairi, (open to neighbors, people who see them)
Location: Casualty Communal -> Tartarus Terraces
Rating: G
Time: Dec. 24, after lunch
Description: Riku spends most of his time disappearing and getting chased after. Being world-bound doesn't change that fact. Or rather, moving houses.
Riku's grin is wide and a little creepy to people who see him now, whistling softly on his way to his new apartment. It was lucky that his friends were usually out of the apartment in the morning. It gave him the opportunity to pack all of their things away without any of them knowing until later.
The duffel at his side full of his clothes and the things he's collected over his short stay in Death City and the trinkets he picked up while traveling. It was much bigger than he expected, but he shakes off thoughts of staying and investing in a place is a little permanent, isn't it? when all he thought about was space, really.
Instead he thinks about dropping by the jeweler's to check on the rest of his gifts and wonders about delivering them. For a moment, he wonders if Kairi and Sora will find the new apartment before he gets there but dismisses the thought. Consulting his mental checklist, he frowns. The extra bed was delivered yesterday and the tree was already there, ready to be decorated, and he has enough time to pick up his gifts.
By the time his friends get back, Riku's things will be gone and theirs packed and ready in their own bags with a key each tucked into a pocket and a keychain with the new apartment's building name and room number carved on it.