
Aug 24, 2011 14:38

Characters: Zeus, Ganymede, and anyone who wants to drop by and make sure god isn't dead
Location: Creeping Crypt, Floor 20, Apartment H
Rating: G unless Cross shows up
Time: December 9th, afternoon
Description: Zeus has fallen ill, and a few citizens of Death City have offered their assistance.

Zeus' apartment looks the way it did the day he first arrived: clean and untouched. He spent so little time there, and had no real reason to use most of the facilities, that it looked like it was straight out of a hotel. The only difference today, was that the King of the Gods was actually present in his assigned living space. He, and one other person, who had raised the temperature of the open room through use of the stove to make soup Zeus had barely touched.

Who would have known that being so ill would prevent one from ingesting that which would make them better? Food, as a general rule, tasted strange to the god. But in his current state, it was almost revolting, and it made his stomach turn unpleasantly. The bowl sat on the kitchen counter, where the blonde prince had taken up residence looking as disgruntled as ever, long hair in a loose braid down his spine.

Zeus himself, after an uneasy trip that ended in his swooning and nearly passing out before even reaching his destination, was laid out on the bed. He lay half curled on his side and covered in a heavy blanket that he most certainly did not like, feathers stretched across the sheets and dangling off the opposite end of the mattress, his eyes were closed and his breathing was labored. He wasn't asleep, however. It was impossible to do so when every so often his chest would seize up, steal his breath and wrack his body with the same whooping cough that he'd accidentally displayed to the network.

blair, tohru honda, ganymede, hades (olimpos), john watson, zeus

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