[Open] In the Stacks

Aug 23, 2011 16:54

Characters: suchselfishness & OPEN
Location: Shibusen library
Rating: G
Time: December 9, Afternoon
Description: Rhode creeps back to the library to do a bit of reading about some of this world's kind of power.

It was the perfect time to feel like doing a bit of investigating, Rhode decided. The staff of this place were all likely to be preoccupied with the mess caused by newcomers, as would the other guests who always tripped over themselves in their efforts to make their fellow aliens feel at home in this godforsaken desert city. The last place people would be spending their time would be the library, unless they were some newcomer with a bookish curiosity, but in that case she wouldn't have to bother with them at all.

It would be silly, to bother someone they didn't recognize.

She passed by the novels and magazines she usually came to read, barely sparing the shelves a glance. There was something more important she was looking for today, and though it took her nearly a quarter of an hour, she finally found the sort of titles she was looking for: Weapons. Meisters. Things about the powers they now had in this world, what they could do. Rhode glanced to both sides, making sure she was quite alone before running her fingers over the spines. Perhaps there would be something about powers, in here. Some book that would explain the mess that happened in the caves of Arizona, or tell her what this Death Scythe nonsense was really all about.

bakura ryou, fran, nezumi, rhode kamelot, mihael 'mello' keehl, rokudo mukuro, gin ichimaru

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