All must work for their bread, men and boys. [CLOSED]

Jul 16, 2011 00:28

Characters: Katsura and Takasugi
Location: Somewhere in Lithuania, the location of their latest mission
Rating: PG or higher, for violence
Time: The entire day of November 29
Description: Mission times.

To forgive but not to forget. )

!mission, takasugi shinsuke, katsura kotarou

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New thread, new thread! novelvision August 12 2011, 17:41:19 UTC
"The people in the village should have some bandages and burn salve," Katsura replied, distracted by the pain that he was feeling acutely now that the threat was over. While he was glad that he could feel the pain enough to know that no nerves had been damaged, he was still not happy about the injury as it reminded him once again that he was actually rather out-classed in this world with no special abilities to call his own.

"Let's go," Katsura said a moment later, already turning towards the village.


♥! alastinglight August 12 2011, 17:42:59 UTC
Takasugi made an acquiescent sound; his eyes were fixed, rather worriedly, on Katsura. Still, he followed without protest, and took charge of securing what they needed the moment they reached their destination.

Odd, perhaps, how any trace of that cold wave of anger he had radiated only moments earlier was completely gone.


novelvision August 12 2011, 18:10:53 UTC
Katsura didn't think that there was anything odd about it; the kishin that they had been fighting earlier had been a monster after all, one that had willingly stolen a human's life and had continued to so even after becoming a monster.

'Odd' wasn't the word he would use. Rather...he would say that it was saddening, knowing what Takasugi had become in the future.

Takasugi would find him still looking at his hands whenever he returned with the supplies, still trying to withstand the pain.


alastinglight August 12 2011, 18:21:30 UTC
"Let's sit over there," Takasugi quietly declared, with a significant look in the area he had indicated. "I'll take care of it."

He hoped, of course, that they could continue their conversation from earlier, but well.


novelvision August 12 2011, 18:33:39 UTC
"Ah?" Katsura looked at the area; upon a second glance, he belatedly realized that his current location had no place for another to sit comfortably. "Alright," he said shortly after, moving over while wondering if this had anything to do with their previous conversation.


alastinglight August 12 2011, 18:37:24 UTC
Takasugi waited until his comrade was settled before proceeding to fuss. He was experienced with this sort of thing, as they all were. A battlefield was full of all sorts of ways for one to get hurt, maimed or killed.

He didn't speak, focused, as he was, on his task. Katsura was welcome to talk to him, however.


novelvision August 12 2011, 18:49:45 UTC
The comfort afforded by the balm helped Katsura to regain his focus, enough that he could decide to continue their conversation after Takasugi was done. While the man did know that he could have said something during his treatment, he had no real desire to talk about something so sensitive while he was still being fussed over.


alastinglight August 12 2011, 18:55:54 UTC
After he was finished, Takasugi became distinctly aware of the fact that he badly needed a cigarette. The conversation before the attack had weighed down on him, and his concern over Katsura's injury was not helping matters.

"Would it be all right if I lit up?" he asked as he withdrew. "I can stand away from you, if you like."

It was likely strange, having Takasugi asking him for permission to do something. Then again, nothing was normal about their relationship now, with the age gap. The issues.


novelvision August 12 2011, 20:09:51 UTC
It was strange for Katsura, which was evident by the wide-eyed stare that he gave to his comrade shortly before nodding. Even if Takasugi was far from the man he'd become in his own time, the younger Takasugi had never been too keen on asking for permission to do anything, especially one so mundane- but polluting all the same- as smoking.

However, he also got a sense of things from there, that he had been right to not engage in any conversation about their future just yet. That in itself served as some relief.


alastinglight August 13 2011, 04:50:50 UTC

A swift smile - a bit tired, mostly genuine - then the boy was taking up a position by the closest wall and digging around for his cigarettes.

No words yet, as he busied himself with lighting up, taking that glorious, initial drag. This would let him deal better, all right.


novelvision August 15 2011, 18:17:18 UTC
Smoking of course was a habit that Katsura would always disapprove of, but he wasn't naive as to why people developed these habits. It was quite the contrary; knowledge was exactly what drove him away from doing the same.

Still, as he sat there, he couldn't deny that he would have preferred something to keep his mind off the pain from his injured hands, even if there was none to be had.


alastinglight August 15 2011, 18:22:30 UTC
Silence again, was it? Takasugi considered, of course, just getting right back to where they had left off, but he had a feeling that it wouldn't be appreciated.

"At least this village is safe for the moment."


novelvision August 16 2011, 07:40:59 UTC
Small talk now? Katsura knew that Takasugi was trying to not be impatient and he certainly didn't want to keep the boy waiting either, but years of speaking and hedging whenever he could had taught him to be careful with sensitive topics- especially those that were deeply personal and unpleasant.

"I'm glad for that. This place has certainly seen better days," he said in reply, looking away from his hands now and looking up. "...did you want to continue our conversation from just now, Takasugi?" he asked shortly afterward, determining that the boy had smoked enough to calm down for the moment.


alastinglight August 16 2011, 13:16:09 UTC
That earned Katsura a measured look in his direction, before Takasugi took his gaze elsewhere. He didn't respond immediately, occupied, as he seemed to be, with puffing on his cigarette.

"Only if you're up to it."

Perhaps his tone was a bit too neutral.


novelvision August 16 2011, 15:05:17 UTC
"I am." There was no hesitation in his tone, only affirmation that he was ready to tell more about the future now.


alastinglight August 16 2011, 15:12:58 UTC
"Then go on." A beat. "Please."

He needed to know. He wasn't sure if he WANTED to know, but...


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