[Closed] We Are Beyond Repentance...

Apr 16, 2011 19:25

Characters: Nea Walker [ 14thapostle ] & Rhode Kamelot [ suchselfishness ]
Location: General area of Deadly Pretty Maid Cafe => Creeping Crypt
Rating: PG-13, leaning toward R
Time: November 5, Midmorning
Description: Despite her efforts to avoid him, Rhode's past finally catches up to her.

Oh, baby, he's so cruel... )

rhode kamelot, nea walker

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suchselfishness April 17 2011, 01:42:30 UTC
His grip on her neck was making it rather difficult for her to breathe, and she pressed farther back against the wall in an attempt to move away from the pressure-- And the chilling sensation of his lips on her ear. It was a bit surreal, to feel this kind of revulsion at an exact replica of the body she liked so much.

This was not Allen, though, and it never would be. This was Nea. And he would stop at nothing to destroy her, her Family, and the Earl.

“You’re wrong.” She snapped, turning her face away from him, avoiding eye contact and looking to the end of the alley. “I’m not alone.”

Perhaps it was one of those days, when Mukuro would be bored enough to follow her on her little errands. His timing would be perfect, if he showed up now. Please, let it be today. The one day I need you-- Please?

Silent prayers for her partner, however, were ineffective protection for her thin fingers. Despite how badly she wanted to spite Nea, to be silent and watch him growl at his failure, Rhode couldn’t stifle a shriek of pain as she felt the bones snap in two. She didn’t even have to think about fighting, at that point-- She instinctively struck out, hard, with her legs and uninjured hand. No matter how tamely she behaved every day in this world, at home with her human family, whenever she wanted something, Rhode was no sweet child. She was a little monster, raised to be a destroyer. There weren’t any witnesses to fool here. Nea would kill her, if she didn’t do her damnedest to fight, to get away from him.

She wished she didn’t have to run. She wished she was strong enough to rip his fingers off one by one, until he apologized, until he saw how wrong he was and had been-- Until he realized how much she cared about him, and missed him, and wanted him to come home.

But if the Earl hadn’t been able to do it, so many years ago, there was no chance she would be able to make him see the light.

Go for the eyes, between the legs, the weak spots; Kuroro had drilled it into her, again and again, that she needed to aim for areas that would give her time to get away from stronger attackers. A few seconds was all she needed, to run for the street, to get someone’s attention and use their presence as sanctuary from Nea’s wrath.


14thapostle April 17 2011, 22:20:45 UTC
It hurt, Nea realised with exhilaration as Rhode’s delicate little fist collided with his stomach. It hurt and it hurt in entirely different way than it did when he was brawling with Allen, fists out and teeth bared. He had never fought him like an enemy, like an actual threat, but Rhode was struggling for her life. She had been aiming for his groin, despite her clear miss, hoping to disable him and make a run for it-something that was clearly unthinkable for the likes of Allen. She was scared, despite her words and her ridiculous little show of bravado.

He let out a loud laugh as he choked, coughing up nothing but the air that had been violently expelled from him. He could barely breathe, but the laughter kept on coming. He gripped her tight, fingers leaving thin white marks on her neck, as he pressed his forehead against the cool stone of the wall, laughing all the while.

It took him a good long moment before he could recollect himself, his throat burning with mirth. It was too much! She was too much! Oh, how the years had changed her. He was going to relish every moment of this, every second of breaking her down. ‘Lest she ever forget her place.

“Pathetic,” he breathed out against her ear, cooing the word. “Look how far you’ve fallen, my dear sweet Rhode. Hoping for a saviour! Where’s your bite? Won’t you pierce me with your claws once more? ” he sounded out every syllable for her, giving just a twinge of emphasis on the words ‘pierce’ and ‘claw’.

Nea hadn’t forgotten last time; he had never forgotten a single moment of his rebellion, his botched revolution. He hadn’t forgotten how they fought against him, the sounds of their death cries, and most of all. . . the look of betrayal scarred across Rhode’s face then. It had been wondrous then, almost just as magnificent as it was now.


It was just missing a little something. . . Perhaps, ah-

Slowly, he brought his lips to her cheekbone, just underneath her eye and placed a gentle little kiss to the skin there. “I nearly forgot, my dear Rhode. This pretty face of yours can be so distracting.”

“I’m back. No longer will you have to wait for me.”

He was still for a moment after that, grip loosening around her neck enough to allow her to comfortably breathe. For that moment, he was almost kind. Almost a shadow of his former self, the ever-adoring brother, always eager to please. Too eager, too willing, too desperate for acceptance. But no, Nea would never be that person ever again. Never, never, never.

Never will he fall back into such a sordid trap, he thought to himself as he uncoiled his fingers from around Rhode’s scrawny neck. He admired the thick purpling bruises that had already threatened to form in the shape of his fingers before digging his nails into her forehead.

“Now let me SET YOU FREE!” he hissed out, any gentle quality to his voice lost, and smashed her skull against the alley wall with a terrifying force.


suchselfishness April 18 2011, 04:17:31 UTC
Even though her struggles were ineffective, his infuriating laughter vibrating through his tightening hand into her throat, Rhode continued striking out until she could feel her head beginning to ache for lack of air. Weakening, harsh, failed gasps for air, she clawed at his wrist, uselessly trying to dig her nails into his hard flesh. She was certain it was over, for a few moments- that she would suffocate, grotesque little bubbles of foam at her lips from her fight to breathe, broken fingers screaming with pain as she tried to use their meager strength to force him to release her--

But then, oh, air!

Rhode couldn't even bring herself to recoil from the kiss as she panted, closing her eyes for the shortest of moments in an attempt to ease the pain of her blood and oxygen rushing back into her head.

"You don't have to do this," she muttered, coughing and bringing her uninjured hand up to the aching marks on her throat. There wasn't time for it, though; she knew any mercy on his part was too good to be true, and he certainly didn't disappoint.

Rhode lunged forward as he moved toward her again, attempting to avoid a blow, but she was at an extreme disadvantage. The last thing she saw was his brutal, cruel smile, before she felt the back of her skull crack and the world went dark.


She felt a shock of relief when she woke up, despite the dull ache in her skull. There was a soft bed beneath her, a pillow under her head; it had been nothing but a nightmare, another horror show created by her subconscious mind. Stretching a bit, making a soft noise of contentment, she started rolling over to cuddle against her partner-- But she found herself held in place, tied down by her wrists.

Rhode opened her eyes, blinking slowly at the spots of light filling her vision. Something was wrong, here. This wasn't her familiar ceiling, the soft, comfortable scent of her own bed. And her head, oh, it hurt so damn badly.

Tugging weakly at the ties on her wrists, she took a moment to gauge her position. It wasn't too tight, at least, but she had been spread out in such a way that the muscles in her shoulders were beginning to ache and cramp. She could still feel the weight of her new knife in her pocket. Her encounter with Nea must have been real- But if that was the case, why wasn't she already dead?

Aside from the obvious answer, of course. They shared far too many interests for Rhode to lie to herself about what her treacherous brother was likely planning to do.


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