but i didn't care where i was going [closed]

Apr 05, 2011 20:35

Characters: Colette & Shishito
Location: clinic
Rating: PG probably
Time: November 2, afternoon-ish?
Description: Partners reunite after the berserker mess

The event had not ended well for Shishito, who had not only had the snake extracted somewhat painfully (not that he wasn't used to things like that), but suffered the after effect of being taken down by four people. His body was strong, tough after many horrific experiments, but it looked to be in terrible shape. And he was tired, both mind and body. More tired than usual.

Of course, he didn't expect any visitors. He didn't expect any sympathy or forgiveness either, even if it wasn't technically his fault. Most of the things he did that night he wasn't even sorry for when it all came down to it. There was only one thing he regretted and that was showing such horrible things to his partner Colette.

Would she come to see him? Or would she forget about him like everyone tended to forget about him? A pitiful ball of misery and self-loathing, he lay in his bed and just stared off at the wall.

shishito madoka, colette brunel

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