You Can't Always Get What You Want

Oct 24, 2009 21:38

Characters: Ed (tinprodigy, Al (Its_a_hobby)
Location: Al's Casualty Communal apartment
Rating: PG-13 (cussin')
Time: June 27
Description: Ed and Al reunited! Only not really. And then there's confusion.

Ed was only sort of lost for a while, probably because he had left the PDA thing on as he tried to navigate, and thus was understandably distracted. All the different conversations, especially those with people he knew, were too bewildering, and Ed ended up making several wrong turns on his way to Al's apartment.

Al's apartment.


Ed's heart rose into his throat at the thought, again. He couldn't quite believe it, not even after seeing Al's own face - er, helmet - in the PDA screen, or hearing his voice. It'd been so long.

Two years in the other world, researching dead end after dead end, becoming more disillusioned, more doubtful - would he make it home? - would Al be waiting for him? - would Al be whole again? So many worries, and then with no warning, no rhyme or reason to it, Ed landed here. Death City. And Al was here.

But apparently, Ed had been too, at some point. The thought made him scowl as he hurried up the stairs, too worked up and impatient for the elevator. Who could that have been? Ed had no memory of it, but Al said that such things happened here. Winry didn't remember important things, either. Maybe he had been here? Somehow? At first he'd thought... Well, the only other person capable of mimicking him physically was Envy, who had gone through the Gate first. But if it were Envy, how come Al had been fooled? WHy would Envy go around saving strangers?

Nothing added up.

Growling in frustration, Ed almost missed Al's apartment in his hurry. He skidded and backpedaled, not bothering to catch his breath before he started pounding insistently on the door.

alphonse elric, winry rockbell, edward elric, ling yao

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