
Jan 30, 2011 23:37

Characters: Tavros Nitram and YOU
Location: Somewhere between the shopping district and the Creeping Crypts.
Rating: G probably??? unless Vriska shows up. Or Eridan. Or Dave.
Time: Oct. 15th, early evening.
Description: Tavros goes shopping! Actually, it's even more boring than that, he's heading home post-shopping.

What kind of a place wouldn't have any lances lying around? )

tavros nitram, nanako dojima, vriska serket, rise kujikawa, saralegui

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slghtlylessfake February 14 2011, 00:12:51 UTC
Tavros began to respond, but his 'uhh' was mushed into an 'oomph' as Vriska's foot rammed into his chest. His hands slipped off of the wheels, and with the added momentum from her kick, the distance between them grew as he was sent quickly rolling downhill.

He clambered for the sides of his four wheel device, distracted by the pain and minor inability to breathe properly after that kick, mostly just managing to hurt his fingers on the quickly spinning wheels. He managed to get a grip on one wheel, and clamped down hard to try and stop it. He realized half a second too late that stopping just one wheel was a bad idea. He grabbed for the other, but it only made it worse as he forgot to keep his weight centered; the chair began to turn haphazardly before flipping over backwards. Tavros was thrown from it head over heels, horns scraping the ground before his face (and the rest of him) smacked into it and slid a foot or so down the hill. The chair followed through his flip, landing on top of him.

For a moment he didn't move, then slowly lifted his head from the pavement, a bit of brown blood running from his nose.

"Uhh....... ow."


visioneightfold February 14 2011, 00:45:26 UTC
Vriska watched as he gained momentum, rolling backward at breakneck speed. If this went right, it would be a good test of competence, and correspondingly a great boost to his confidence! What better way to learn than by doing? And what better way to teach confidence by proving he could do it, taking control of an out-of-control situation--literally--by his own hands?

When he flipped the chair, falling to the ground as it slammed down on top of him, she broke into laughter, raucous and jeering from her higher vantage.

"Good job!" She called, slightly breathless from hilarity, but not so much so that she couldn't give him a short, semi-mocking round of applause. "Congratulations, Toreadork! You did it!"


slghtlylessfake February 15 2011, 22:58:49 UTC
He tried to move a little, only to find that his left arm had landed badly and his wrist felt weird and kind of painful, oops. But Vriska was still around, so he should probably try and get out of there. He pulled himself along a little, then tried to reach back to pull his wheelchair off of his back. He couldn't quite manage it.

"Uhh, darn it..."

He pulled himself along a little more. All in all, the whole production probably resembled a snail trying to remove its shell.


visioneightfold February 16 2011, 00:32:23 UTC
Vriska was still laughing as she walked down the hill, closing the distance between her and Tavros at a reasonable pace, her arms full of his bagged groceries. She dropped them--rather more mindfully this time--on the street a few feet away before coming to stand almost on top of him, her bright red shoes inches from his face. The laughing had tapered off in favour of a pensive look.

For a moment, she paused as though she were thinking of saying something. Then she took hold off his four wheel device and heaved it off of him, jerking sharply to catch it before it fell on its side--or worse, rolled down the hill without him. She arranged it sideways, but at a slight angle so that her foot was wedged in front of the wheel and it had nowhere to go but towards her.

Then she bent down and grabbed hold of him by his upper arms with a grim expression on her face, evincing a small sound of effort as she hauled him up and let go with a motion that was more of a throw, forcing him to fall in the general direction of his device's seat.

"Ta da! Good as new."


slghtlylessfake February 25 2011, 01:21:38 UTC
Tavros went still when he caught sight of those red shoes, and flinched when she yanked the four wheel device off of him. He almost wanted her to put it back. Now there was just empty space between them.

He let out a small squeak when she grabbed him. He didn't mean to, it just came out. He was only shaking a little bit when she plopped him down into his device, and he gripped at the arms as if expecting her to send him the rest of the way down the hill. Which he kind of did.

He didn't say anything this time, not even an uhh or an umm. The pain in his wrist had slowly started to intensify after the initial shock of the injury, and he was trying not to show it. But it was a good sign that she'd put him back in his chair, right? Maybe she would leave him alone, now...


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