
Jan 30, 2011 23:37

Characters: Tavros Nitram and YOU
Location: Somewhere between the shopping district and the Creeping Crypts.
Rating: G probably??? unless Vriska shows up. Or Eridan. Or Dave.
Time: Oct. 15th, early evening.
Description: Tavros goes shopping! Actually, it's even more boring than that, he's heading home post-shopping.

What kind of a place wouldn't have any lances lying around? )

tavros nitram, nanako dojima, vriska serket, rise kujikawa, saralegui

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Comments 66

visioneightfold January 31 2011, 05:16:29 UTC
Vriska made her way down the hill, her hands shoved into her pockets, the wrappings over her back stretched to their limit by her bitter slouch. To say she was in a sour mood would have been an understatement--her left arm and back were disinfected and bandaged now, but they still hurt; and more importantly, both her dignity and her ego were in bitter lows.

Or rather, her ego was fine--it was her reputation that was hurt.

Not badly--it was entirely Karkat's fault things had gone awry, his stupid fucking heroics that had fucked everything up, but it still pissed her off, and she hadn't yet devised an appropriate retribution; she was working on that, scraping for an appropriate revenge when she spotted the tell-tale horns and ugly dorky cripple-machine down the road.

Her luck couldn't get any worse this week ( ... )


slghtlylessfake January 31 2011, 05:25:37 UTC
Tavros would have spotted her easily, if not for the fact his focus was mainly on the bag in his lap and making sure it stayed in place while simultaneously keeping his balance forward enough to avoid any unwanted accidents. So he was a little taken aback when he finally noticed her, only feet away from him. He took a hard grip of the wheels, stopping right there. It wasn't so much that he was startled at suddenly seeing her there, but more that he was startled at suddenly seeing her there wrapped up as if she'd been in a fight or something. It brought back memories that he really didn't want to think about, especially not with her right there. He lowered his head, a little, jerkily, unsure of where to look... or what to do, really ( ... )


visioneightfold January 31 2011, 06:27:25 UTC
Vriska curled her lip at his address, the ends stretching out into a sort of very unsettling smile of disgust as she made her way over to him.

The closer she got, the more pedatory the smile became.

"Hi, Tavros." She leaned over him, peering over his brown bag of food to study his stupid face--and, somewhat less obviously, take a look inside. "What's this, groceries?" She relieved him of them, snatching them from his weak hands to rifle through unnecessarily--she could see what was inside just fine, but she reached in anyway, pulling out a boxy little metal tin full of some sort of moist protein aggregate.


slghtlylessfake February 1 2011, 03:51:48 UTC
That certainly wasn't a good sign. It could never be a good sign when Vriska smiled like that. Tavros remained as still as possible, though he flinched a little when she grabbed his groceries. He couldn't very well grab it back though, unless he wanted to go rolling back down the hill. Not that he would have done that anyway.

"Um, yeah. I was just, heading home, so, uhh..."

He wanted to ask about her bandages, but at the same time he felt that was probably an even worse idea than saying hi in the first place.

"So, I think, I'll be going, if that's okay with you."

Of course, he couldn't very well leave with her holding his groceries like that. And also standing in his way.


dai_mon_dai January 31 2011, 14:16:14 UTC
Back home, Masaru ran just about every day; to school, after some digimon or another, or just for the joy of it. In Death City it was mostly just to have something to do. Now, with the temp zone leader (even if it was more Armstrong that was the Leader, in practice) job on his shoulders he was running even more. He wanted to be in tip-top shape if something went down.

As such, he was out and about when he saw the troll and his four wheeled device fighting gravity. A quick jog up the hill, and he was leaning up onto the device's handles, not really pushing forward, but blocking it from going backwards at least.



slghtlylessfake February 1 2011, 03:57:53 UTC
Tavros was making some pretty good progress, he thought. At least that's what he told himself, or what he decided Rufio was telling him, or at least what he pretended Rufio was telling him, which didn't feel all that inspiring at the moment. But still. Rufio.

So it was a bit startling when something came up behind him and suddenly it didn't feel like he was fighting gravity anymore. He looked over his shoulder after hearing that 'yo,' which sounded a bit familiar... oh. He blinked. It was that guy he'd met on his first day here. He grinned.

"Oh, hey, uhh, Masaru."


junesplz February 1 2011, 03:49:07 UTC
[Nanako was actually on her way to go shopping herself when she spotted Tavros rolling along. Oh... what a strange looking boy. Was he going to a costume party?

Still, the first thing she noticed was that the boy was wheeling himself along all by himself, groceries in tow. It seemed so difficult...]

Um... excuse me.


slghtlylessfake February 1 2011, 04:03:07 UTC
[Tavros stopped to look up from staring intently at his groceries. He tilted his head at the small girl. He hadn't seen anyone so young here before. That aside, he wondered why she would talk to him.]

Uhh, hello.


junesplz February 1 2011, 04:08:20 UTC
[She was determined to be useful! Maybe this will be one way to do so! Though...getting that sort of courage is A LOT harder than it looked...]

Would you like some help?


slghtlylessfake February 1 2011, 04:13:41 UTC
Um, help?

[Cue staring dumbly.]

Like, help, as in assisting me with, getting up this hill, or carrying this bag of groceries, that kind of help?


/jumps in late >>; lavenderglasses February 2 2011, 14:25:49 UTC
[He'd already done some shopping just the other day, but with no job, no missions at the moment and nothing in particular to do after training in the mornings, Saralegui had taken to just wandering the city and seeing if there was any part of it he'd yet to explore ( ... )


slghtlylessfake February 3 2011, 15:56:35 UTC
[Tavros noticed that someone was coming up beside him, but assumed they would pass him by. So he was a little taken aback when he was addressed, and looked around first to make sure he wasn't talking to someone else.]

Uhhhh, I guess, it's kind of tricky, yeah.


lavenderglasses February 3 2011, 16:13:54 UTC
[The corner of his mouth quirked upward slightly. The kid seemed like a dork, but it was a little reminiscent of Yuuri.]

But you seem to be handling it decently enough. I should say that's impressive, really.


slghtlylessfake February 3 2011, 16:19:54 UTC
[Toreadork, at your service. But anyway, he blinks in a mildly confused manner at that.]

Impressive, uhh, I wouldn't say that, really, it's just a, um, thing I'm doing.


forthecamera February 2 2011, 21:01:54 UTC
[Rise was just out for a walk for once. No grocery shopping, no shopping for clothing, no gathering information or trying to look for Meisters or taking Luki out for something to do. It had been a long while since Rise had found herself with nothing to do, and for once that was okay.

She'd finally accepted a lot of the things that had been bogging her down for a while, and was happy just to have this warm day to enjoy.

She was heading in the same direction as Tavros when she noticed him. That was a face she didn't recognize, and as with all new faces her new goal became to make them a familiar face]

Hey there. Having a little trouble?


slghtlylessfake February 3 2011, 15:59:05 UTC

[Was she talking to him? Well, he supposed he was having a little trouble, so yeah, she was probably talking to him.]

A little, but, it's okay.


forthecamera February 3 2011, 17:11:15 UTC
Are you sure? Let me help.

[This was said after her already moving forward to take a handle on his wheelchair. Oh boy. Lets hope she was able to actually push him up this steep incline, Rise was pretty weak.]

What's your name? I don't think I've seen you around before.


slghtlylessfake February 13 2011, 02:05:13 UTC
[Erp. Well, that was that.]

Uhh, thanks, I guess. I haven't been here for, very long, I'm Tavros.


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