
Jan 01, 2011 23:59

Characters: Ryuugamine Mikado, OPEN to anybody!
Location: Walking home from the business district, all the way to the Communal.
Rating: PG!
Time: Evening, October 7th
Description: Mikado is walking the long way home from work.

[Mikado wasn't very close to Rin, the girl who died. He'd only seen her a handful of times, had a few discussions with her. She hadn't been around long. But she had been kind, familiar, someone he related to. Someone like him. He'd been anxious and closed off since the kidnappings began, not really feeling up to poking around on the network, or socializing in general, really.

Now she was dead.

It was strange to think about, that he'd known someone who was murdered. And he had been thinking about it. He'd missed every training session since the October 1st mission. It was just as well; he'd gotten banged up, smashed into a wall by a stone golem, and though he had no serious injuries he still ached and had plenty of bandages, on his face, his arms, his chest and legs.

He'd decided to try to shake the melancholy, though. His boss had been anxious about him coming in to work in his condition, but to be honest it was something simple to do that forced him to focus. He'd started to drop replies on the Network again, and with Masaomi's encouragement he got out to Octoberfest. There was the formal party coming up; maybe he ought to make himself go. And he was doing much better with Aoba... however odd it was to get along better with him now that he knew Aoba wasn't normal at all. They'd just finished moving what few belongings they had into a new apartment together.

Now he's walking home from work. And he finds himself taking his time, really looking around again, absentmindedly taking in the sights. It had been over a month and a half, but if he slowed to actually look... with all its terrors, Death City was as completely extraordinary as the day he arrived.

All things considered, it just looks like a beat-up absentminded boy wandering around.]

john egbert, ryuugamine mikado, kida masaomi, roy mustang, john watson, kuronuma aoba

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