
Dec 09, 2010 12:37

Characters: Open to Death City
Location: Death City
Rating: PG
Time: October 1, Morning
Description: The witches have come into Death City while many of its fighters are in Michigan. What are you going to do?

a cold wind in my mind )

rokudo mukuro, adah price, shinjiro aragaki, yuffie kisaragi, rhode kamelot, dokuro chrome, axel, tsubaki nakatsukasa, black*star, !event

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[Black*Star and Tsubaki | CLOSED] thisismyera December 9 2010, 20:14:26 UTC
Rooftops and open air rushing past them in a blur, like lightning Black★Star and Tsubaki arced high above the streets, doggedly pursuing one of the Witches that had escaped them back at the mirror outside of Casualty Communal. There hadn't really been time to deliberate over which to follow, so naturally Black★Star picked the one that was running the fastest. Why? Because nobody showed up the Mighty Black★Star and lived to tell about it. And especially not those asshole Witches!

Of course, he couldn't be entirely sure that he was exactly on the thing's trail, he'd sort of more or less gone in the same general direction. But that's what his partner was for, right?

"OI, Tsubaki!" he called loudly and expectantly, "You have any idea where that bitch went?" His eyes narrowed with completely futile concentration as he peered below, trying to get an idea of where their target might be. His efforts were slightly more fervent now though - it hadn't occurred to him that the Witch might be running for any reason other than to escape from him, the Black★Star, and the righteous justice that would be handed down for her grievous insult.


[Black*Star and Tsubaki | CLOSED] scentedcamellia December 10 2010, 07:11:22 UTC
Tsubaki followed behind her partner with light feet, despite their speed, as they jumped from rooftop to rooftop, chasing after the witch that seemed so desperate to reach the edges of the city. She had barely had time to try and locate the location of the witch before Black★Star had begun to sprint in its general direction, but she was working on pinpointing the witch's path while they ran. It was more difficult this way, but that was okay.

"Yes, just a moment," she replied, her voice calm as she focused more precisely, closing her eyes even as they hurried along. Tsubaki was listening for the distinct echo of the witch's soul wavelength, which would sound harsh and violent against the the surrounding environment.

Tsubaki's eyes opened a few moments later, before she gazed off to the right. "She's just ahead, down the street a few blocks and off to the right. Should we cut her off?"

[ooc: I'll throw the witch in after a tag or two once they get a little closer, k?]


namelesswitch December 11 2010, 16:24:10 UTC
It had seemed like a good idea to escape into Shibusen's transporting device when their dogs were biting at her and her sisters' tails, and she had yet to change her mind about it. Getting chased by children was far better than being chased by deathscythes, after all, although being in Shibusen's headquarters wasn't that much of an improvement. But sometimes she did wonder why some decades just refused to pick up. First, she'd nearly gotten killed by some of Shibusen's hunters in Greece, and then she'd gotten in this great witch conspiracy against Shibusen, and then they'd told her she had to serve a human. The last one was particularly galling, but having a timebomb in one's body did wonders to squash rebellion.

She should also stop thinking about such things when trying to make an escape. The witch -- Demyne was her name -- paused at an intersection as she tried to remember which way was to the edge of the city. She knew it was straight, but the road forked in an X and she didn't want to take to the rooftops where Shibusen's men would see her.


thisismyera December 13 2010, 18:59:56 UTC
"Hmm, not just yet," Black★Star mused thoughtfully, "I think we should circle and assess-"

Abruptly mid-sentence he grimaced and flashed Tsubaki and irritated look of Oh-my-God-I-can't-believe-you-just-asked-me-that-seriously? Rolling his eyes, he cleared his throat once and then, without pausing a further beat to so much as wait for his partner, he leaped away to a sharp right over to the next row of buildings, charged forward, and began to rapidly close the distance between him and the fleeing Witch. With a dexterity beyond that of any ordinary human, he sprang once more finally, sailing through the air and-


With a resounding explosion, he slammed his fist into the ground immediately upon landing, sending a wave of debris to scatter in broad clusters everywhere and kick up a sizeable dust cloud. From within the concealment of said cloud, a voice called out grandiosely:

"Cower and feel regret! Today doom has come to you as you've foolishly strayed into my domain! Young or old, time has brought you to the final threshold of a brand new shining era, the era of:


Beg for forgiveness and acknowledge my bigness, and I might let you live long enough to see the beginning of a new age!"

The air cleared, revealing the dramatically posed Black★Star, hand thrust out in challenge in the direction of where the Witch had momentarily paused.


scentedcamellia December 14 2010, 01:07:55 UTC
Tsubaki blinked once as Black★Star rolled his eyes at her, giving him a tilt of her head and a slightly confused look. A moment later, he was on the run without a second glance, and she reached out to him with one hand in surprise.

"Black★Star!" she called after him in vain, her hand falling limp before her arm fell back to her side. She let out a resigned sigh, shaking her head and chuckling lightly to herself, even as she heard the explosion of his fist hitting the ground. As he gave his over-the-top speech, she finally raced after him, jumping delicately from the rooftop to land neatly beside her easily excited partner.

"You gave away our position again," she pointed out quietly and mostly to herself. Tsubaki stood behind and slightly to the right of her partner, waiting obediently for her next cue.


namelesswitch December 14 2010, 02:16:30 UTC
She heard, more than felt, the large presence hurtling toward her from the roofs, and cursed herself for being so stupid as to get caught anyway, and by-here, she looked at the assailant with narrowed, reptilian eyes, ignoring the dust billowing around them from the impact - a child. Shibusen’s child, and a noisy one.

Black*Star delivered his speech, and the witch decided that he was very, very noisy.

“You’re short,” she retorted pettily, irritated at the unnecessary noise. “Who are you, anyway?” She didn’t look frightened by them; the witch had outlasted several hunter pairs from Shibusen long before this baby had been born, and even if she wasn’t particularly good at fighting, she was at least excellent at spells and wasn’t about to get caught now.


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