
Oct 31, 2010 00:22

Characters: poison_earl and faithful_slave
Location: The park, Casualty Communal some time after
Rating: A for Angst PG, for now?
Time: Sep. 21, right after this thread.
Description: A long-awaited reunion between Cain and his faithful manservant, Riff. Warning: high levels of angst ahead. Proceed at your own risk.

Ever since his arrival to Death City, Cain had slowly but surely been losing hope that he would ever see Riff again. There was nothing for him at home, nothing for him to return to: he was dead, or so he thought, and if by some miracle Cain had indeed survived... Riff surely hadn't. And a world without his manservant was not something he wanted to experience.

Unfortunately, however, that was exactly what was happening in Death City: he was alone, and no entertainment or new acquaintances could fulfil the gaping emptiness caused by Riff's absence. It was, simply put, Hell.

Those were the thoughts that had tormented him ever since he'd realized that Death City was very real and not a figment of his imagination, the thoughts that haunted him when he was both awake and asleep. Those were the thoughts running through his mind when he had glanced at his communicator that afternoon and saw the one person who monopolized his thoughts, dreams and nightmares.


Cain wondered if he was dreaming. Even after their brief conversation over the network had ended and Riff had implied that he would find him, the Earl couldn't help but wonder if it was really happening. Was it real or was it just another one of his nightmares, taunting him with happiness only to snatch it all away?

He didn't even realize he had started to run, didn't pay any attention to the odd glances other people gave him-- Look at that boy, running as if the devil itself is behind him!-- or where he was headed to. He kept running and running until he barely had any energy left, until the only things he could hear were his ragged breathing and the pounding sound of his heart beating inside his chest. Eventually, Cain stopped, and only then did he notice where he was: the park, which was thankfully deserted at the moment. As if he were nothing more than the lost little child he used to be, the Earl walked between the bushes and sat down, leaning back against the tree trunk behind him, completely unconcerned about getting his clothes dirty.

A part of him told him that he shouldn't have run away like that, that he should have been more careful just in case the kidnappers decided to strike again, but Cain ignored it. He brought his knees close to his chest and rested his forehead against them, letting out a shuddered breath. He had always had trouble clinging to rationality, whenever Riff was involved.

cain c. hargreaves, riffael "riff" raffit

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