[OPEN] Hear that? Hear that? Is the scent of home in the air~

Oct 30, 2010 16:19

Characters: Orihara Izaya, OPEN (later, Shizuo Heiwajima that should let you know how this log will end).
Location: the Deathbucks closest to the Communal, later the streets of Death City.
Rating: R, for eventual language and violence and Benny Hill music.
Time: September 21st, noon-ish.
Description: All Izaya wanted was a coffee. Honest.

Izaya disliked routine, on principle alone. It wouldn't do for him to get killed just because someone figured out he was always at the same place at the same time every day. It was the sort of silly thing that made other people so ease to set up, and he avoided it as much as he could.

Unfortunately, having a "regular" job made it necessary to acquire a routine of sorts. The job was necessary, though, for the image he was busy cultivating for himself. Considering Kida-kun and Shizu-chan would no doubt try to spread word about him - really, that was such a crass way of doing it, they had no idea how rumors actually worked - with no finesse whatsoever, Izaya was already prepared to counter such inconveniences by becoming a model citizen. Or at least appearing to be so. He had a good job, he was obviously not a fighter, and he had been so terribly careful to keep Kanra-chan as distanced from himself as possible, despite Kuroro's occasional attempts to figure out who she was.

It was all going relatively well, to be honest.

...and then his sisters arrived. Izaya had rarely experienced such an inconvenience in his plans, mostly because at home he could keep the two little trouble makers away from his schemes. It was his own fault, he acknowledged, for having gotten used to not have them here at all. He had grown careless, and now he paid for it. Still, not all was lost, and so far, though he was certain they knew by now he was here - not the least because Rhode had to go and call out for him by name in the network (oh, he and Mukuro had to have a chat about that, yes) - he had managed to avoid them. And as long as he avoided them, he wouldn't have to really deal with them.

He hated routine, but he appreciated his habits. Like his morning coffee; no other way to start a day, regardless of what time it actually was. The coffee at Mukuro and Rhode's apartment was nice enough, but it wouldn't do to make that a routine. Neither would be buying it at Deathbucks every morning, and when he did buy it at Deathbucks, he maid a point to not have a pattern in which shop he did. There were plenty  around the city, as it were.

That particular morning - it was more like noon, really - Izaya walked into the Deathbucks nearest to the Communal and contemplated the brand of caffeinated sugar - or sweetened caffeine - he would be indulging for the day.

It was looking to be such a good day, really, despite the inconveniences. Mukuro was back. Interesting things were happening in the city. A good day, indeed.

orihara mairu, orihara kururi, izaya orihara

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