Characters: Open
Location: Shibusen Library
Rating: G-PG? Depends who she ends up meeting really.
Time: September 15th [Evening] - the day after
this conversation.Description: Lust finally decides to investigate this War: searching the library for details on Kishin Eggs and whatever else. Feel free to bother her.
I'm a fox on a mission, you know you’re challenging the best here~ )
It was such a dreadfully boring book, too. Full of complicated studies and theories on resonation, making everything far more convoluted than it should be. Izaya didn't have a weapon and thus far he had seen none he was willing to approach, but the book was boring enough no one had taken it, so he could come and go and still find it in the shelves every time.
And few things were as interesting as purposely boring things. If nothing else, because suddenly everything else was so exciting...
Like the woman in the cloak, for one.
Wandering over to one of the shelves, she simply picks out the first book that seems revelant. Not the type to search the entire library for the easiest one to start on. After all, sneaking around for information wasn't a new experience and she trusted her methods enough from past experience. After a few minutes, she'll agree that it's a horribly tedious thing to read. Still information tended to be a lot less interesting than a lot of books and she'll continue to leaf through it until something else catches her interest.
Izaya chuckled at himself and flipped another page, not being discreet at all, whenever he looked up to study his query of the day.
He had not lied, when he'd told Mukuro that BREW was kind to him. Not only had the strange artifact given him a new, very handy power, it had also brought along everyone interesting from home - the fact Shizuo had been brought along was just a side effect and he supposed even sentient, all powerful machines could make mistakes, it was the human thing to do - not to mention such a horde of interesting people from other worlds.
Worlds were Death was just another option, and not an imperative, perhaps...
She realised someone was watching her after a few moments, but had no plans to confront him for it. Lust was use to being stared at and it didn't bother her in the slightest. Still, this new world was different to her own and it was probably safer to be cautious and be ready in case he did something unexpected.
Turning to the next section of the book, she was met with the bold title of "Soul Perception". The whole issue of "souls" had been bothering her ever since arriving in Death City. For one, she was hardly comfortable about having some mad scientist being able to read her.
She shouldn't have had a soul in the first place, minus the few thousand concentrated into her Philosopher's Stone...
Izaya kept an eye on her, looking up every paragraph he finished reading. The language was dull, but Izaya found the subject matter quite... fascinating.
The woman wasn't quite as such, but she could be. Her claims made her so, but it wouldn't be until he got a chance to interact with her directly that he'd know for sure the extent of her fascination.
He looked forward to play with her, at least a bit.
The books over here are extremely far from exciting too, but she's also read much more dreary (and pointless) pieces of text in her original world, at least this is somewhat useful.
Similarly with the person who is still not-so-discretely watching her: it may be a little more than slightly irritating, but nothing she can't tolerate. She's going to be continuing ignoring you for a long time.
Izaya yawns theatrically and leans back, balancing on the chair's back legs, a hair breadth from falling, yet managing to stay in place, and keeps himself between reading and watching.
It's okay to wait, Izaya is quite patient when his curiosity has been piqued.
She resists the urge to roll her eyes and sigh at the dramatic motion, though it would amuse her if he managed to topple out of that chair, trying to grab her attention in that way was not going to be effective. You might be curious about her, but for now you're classed as "just another human" in her mind until you can prove yourself to be especially useful or an exceptional idiot/irritation.
Having read through the halfway-interesting parts of the first book, she replaces it and turns her attention to a slightly thicker one, turning her back on that person a few metres away in the proccess. But don't worry, the back of her head isn't a bad view either?
Izaya does not mind being "just another human" for the time being. Being just another human lets him observe his beloved humanity from up close, after all, and it makes people less grouchy to deal with him most of the time. But in time... ah, all in due time.
He keeps his balancing act and focuses more of his attention on his book, though, once he reaches a juicy tidy bit that he hadn't read before. He doesn't fall, though, because he's got really good sense of balance, but it does look slightly awkward. Like it can't be comfortable in any way to keep reading that way.
After a moment, he stops balancing, leaning in to read properly. Apparently, a strong enough resonation could even change the form for the weapon. Izaya hadn't known that.
Well, maybe it would be wise for him to find some real humanity to observe rather than bother a Homunculus? That would surely improve her mood. Not that he was of any particular irritation, but being dragged out of where she belonged and into whatever mess these natives had managed to get themselves involved in wasn't exactly the most pleasant experience she'd ever had.
Lust stops paying attention to the other for the next few minutes, but the next time she happens to look up from the text and spare him a brief glance in the proccess, she is somewhat glad to find he's finally seemed to have lost interest.
She barely watches Izaya for more than half a second, eyes quickly gliding back to her book. Coincidently, the resonation section had also caught her attention. Specifically the part about a Weapon's abilities being greatly enhanced. While it made no difference to her plans for staying out of this war, maybe the idea of seeking a partner wasn't such a waste of time after all....
Now having her mind set on finding more information about this topic, she begins to wander over the the "Resonation" section of the library. Conveniently this takes her in the opposite direction from the stranger on the chair.
Ah, but what's more interesting than faux-humanity? ...texts about the theory of resonation and the effects it has in both meister and weapon, obviously. The section in this book is extensive enough, but it doesn't go into detail about the meister, just the weapon.
In the hypothetical case Izaya ever found someone he was willing to partner up with, he'd like to know what would happen to him. It wasn't like he cared too much about the hypothetical partner he didn't have.
When he finished the interesting bits of the book, he was disappointed to see his interesting entertainment of the day out of sight. But as he shrugged and went in the direction of more books on the topic, he saw her again. Izaya did not smirk even as he ran a finger over the spine of various books, eying them all speculatively.
And once more, eying Lust the same, half the time.
It a good thing she couldn't care less about the "partner"'s side of things either. If these two ever do pair up, it would be an...interesting turn of events. But as the human once again reappeared from around the corner, the possibility of ever working with him was the furthest thing away from her thoughts. A persistent one. This rarely ended well, if ever.
Lust is well aware of his presence without having to look up and will tolerate him for now, the current page is absorbing enough to keep her distracted, but there is a limit to her patience. If you want something, better speak up before she gets sick of you or leaves. Izaya may have plently of time, but she isn't planning to stick around all night. Least of all with you around.
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