(no subject)

Oct 10, 2010 23:05

Characters: Open
Location: Shibusen Library
Rating: G-PG? Depends who she ends up meeting really.
Time: September 15th [Evening] - the day after this conversation.
Description: Lust finally decides to investigate this War: searching the library for details on Kishin Eggs and whatever else. Feel free to bother her.

Lust had purposely waited for the light to diminish before heading towards the library. The day was far too congested for her liking and it was the time when classes were held. She wanted to get the information she was after, and get out without wasting unnecessary time. True, humans were easy to manipulate and had their own uses, but more often than not, mingling with them was a hindrance.

Reaching the door of her destination, she enters the almost deserted library, slipping down the hood of her cloak in the process. After passing the librarian and small number of other visitors without any sign of acknowledgement, she begins to wander through the multiple shelves of books and finds herself stood in the section about Weapons, Souls and Kishin Eggs a few minutes later.

lust, sherlock holmes, izaya orihara

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