[Open Log!]

Sep 25, 2010 18:13

Characters: Byakuran, Enma, and YOU
Location: The Danse Macabre
Rating: G/PG/creeper
Time: Evening, September 11
Description: With the pretense of offering information Byakuran trolls hard brings Enma to the Danse Macabre invites tonight's guests to help him troll try to put a smile on the emo kid's face. [One thread per person plz, posting order is [YOU], Enma, Byakuran~]

If Enma had any choice, he would have stayed indoors. Really. The last thing he wanted was to have the moon look so happy the way it was leering down at him. Unfortunately for Enma, one of the first things he wanted was reliable information on the Vongola, from a source that, while shady, seemed to have what he was looking for. It was a terrible conflict of interests, really.

He looked down at the piece of paper he had written the address up and frowned. The place (discovered after an hour lost, an unfortunate collision with a lamp post, and a tumble down a flight of stairs) turned out to be a nondescript back door in a part of the City Enma had, previously, had little inclination to visit. It was so typically mafia it was a little disgusting, really.

Not that it could be helped. Enma sighed, gathering up his meager reserves of courage, and pushed the door open.

Inside was a storage room, equally nondescript, littered with boxes, shelved bottles of drinks he hardly recognized, and odd bits of electrical equipment that could have been yanked out of the space shuttle for all he knew. What concerned him most was that there was no one there, least of all Byakuran, which ultimately meant further exploration. There was the pound of heavy bass coming from the door on the other end of the room, but it was, well, the only door and no matter how much Enma would rather not push it open, he wasn't left with much of a choice.

His entrance into the Danse Macabre was, shall we say, less than graceful was he tripped forwards into the club, eyes boggling at the lights and the people and the volume of the music that blasted from the speakers.

The music blasting over the speakers paused, shortly after his entrance, a pause between songs punctured by a very familiar, chipper voice. Byakuran sat in his box ovelrooking the club, and after the usual murmurings of drink specials and comments on the atmosphere of the club, his eyes landed on Enma.

It had been a fun idea, luring the boy to the club. He was so gloomy, he really looked as if he needed some entertainment. Byakuran was perfectly willing to have an actual discussion about the Vongola, of course, but first Enma would have to prove his ability to handle stress. It wasn't worth trying to make an ally of someone who'd crumble under pressure. So after his scripted spiel, he instructed the lights man to turn a sudden bright spotlight directly on Enma.

"Well look at that, everyone! We have a very gloomy guest tonight. He's a friend of mine, and I think he could use some cheering up. And to encourage everyone, we'll make it a contest. The first person to make this kid smile will get a fabulous prize provided personally by me! Don't run now, Enma-kun. I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun!"

tohru honda, kozato enma, byakuran

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