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[GROUPS 1 TO 4] HANG ON soul_mods July 13 2010, 13:44:35 UTC
Those immediately outside the Norad base will notice a spike in the madness wave. You don't know why. Maybe it's because of the chaos and littered souls in the area. You have no idea where it's coming from, but it drives the kishin eggs into a frenzy. Hey, at least you've already significantly thinned their numbers down.


[GROUP 4] bulletcarnage July 14 2010, 20:59:40 UTC
The combat being waged outside the base had, for Kanda and Heine at least, been relatively straight forward. The kishin eggs were threatening enough to require attention and alertness, but not enough to cause any real danger to the pair.

It had become very clear to Heine that on some level this was very much what Kanda did; he tore through targets without a second thought. They weren't too dissimilar in that area. It made Heine nostalgic. Well, perhaps nostalgic wasn't the right word, but it did make him think about what he had been built to do, the kind automatic target mode he had been trained to know and understand. See it, attack it, kill it, repeat. The numbers would rise, you'd get praise, a verbal pat on the head and then--No, that had never been an existence to be proud of.

But this was different, wasn't it? It was teamwork--Badou would be so proud--working together to clear an area. It was different. Right? It was relying on someone else to provide back-up like before, it wasn't the reason for being. Yeah, it was different ( ... )


[GROUP 4] kandescence July 17 2010, 15:01:48 UTC
Kanda knew the feeling too, but he knew it from Heine.

From his perspective, the spike in the madness wavelength would have been like a wave of nausea and vertigo passing over him. It made the mind reel, but ground oneself against it and it could be overcome. But the sudden crackling shift of restlessness, of raw atavism...

Kanda knew what was dwelling inside of his partner. He had met it before. He recognized it now. And he would be damned if it was going to beat him this time.

His grip tightened around the hilts of the blades, a kind of mental digging in of heels. Let the thing inside of Heine pull and snarl and snap. Kanda would be damned if he was giving even an inch of ground.

"Heine!" The hell are you letting that thing come between the two of us now.


Prussia/England hop in whenever? /spams for now bulletcarnage July 19 2010, 18:37:32 UTC
He knew. He knew that feeling. He knew the push and the pull with his dog, the swing and weight of being chained to one another. And he wasn't letting go, it was just the shake up, the stability rocking and Heine needing to find a footing again. That's all it was. He knew how to ride this out, he'd done it before.

He'd done it before. So why was this so much harder to keep his head above the surface of?

And then there was a something to grip to. Something gripping to him, more accurately.

Jeeze, this guy...

"I know." I'm not that far gone. I'm still here.


kandescence July 28 2010, 09:01:53 UTC
Kanda wasn't letting go, and he wasn't backing off. Heine might be with him for now, but that was a far cry from meaning that he could let his guard down and trust that he still would be.

This was a battlefield though, and neither could he simply stop and ignore what was going on around them. If anything, the kishin eggs seemed only more invigorated by this new feel on the air, and there was one closing fast with them now.

"Keep your damn head and stay with me," he grit out as he rushed forward towards the creature. If he could finish it quickly maybe he could buy them enough of a respite for Heine to master himself again.


[Group 1] aiursfavoredson July 15 2010, 03:32:45 UTC
Tassadar felt the emotions Nataku was releasing, but didn't respond either way. It was something that could be dealt with after their battle had been won. For now, he needed to focus on their enemy, or else their position would become overwhelmed and their partners escape mean nothing.

The kishin disappeared after Nataku's assault. Yet as the foul creature turned into yet another soul, Tassadar felt his mind become instantly weakened by distraction. The world around him swirled almost dangerously as he momentarily collapsed down to one knee.

There was a shift in the air, and it appeared as though he wasn't the only one to feel is as the three remaining kishin released a bloodthirsty screech. He need to focus and protect his partner. Closing his eyes to help focus his thoughts, the templar relied on his keen sense of smell to momentarily dictate the kishin's movements.

His mind began to focus more as he took away one of the distractions, and he felt it when Nataku shifted out and began forming a shield of sorts around him. "You need ( ... )


[Group 1] soulparadox July 15 2010, 03:44:33 UTC
We can handle them if we are careful. The strain and exhaustion were becoming a little more obvious in his voice even as he kept it the same monotone as it was during the start of the mission. They are nothing to be concerned with, because they are just obstacles. There was an agreement that he was not being particularly safe in how he was using his energy. If he put too much into being a shield, there would be nothing left to kill the creatures. The initial protection would be for nothing ( ... )


aiursfavoredson July 15 2010, 03:56:31 UTC
It wasn't long after Tassadar had begun running that he felt the sudden shock run through his system. Surprised at the unexpected pain, the templar's movements faltered momentarily as he stumbled in surprise. "Focus!" He called out to his weapon while regaining his footing.

Pushing himself onward, the Protoss warrior darted out to the side to avoid an incoming swipe after the creatures had recovered from Nataku's initial strike. Twisting his upper body around, Tassadar's large hand snapped out to dig his sharp claws directly into the kishin's chest. It howled in angered pain at the attack, and as the sudden gesture slowed his movements for a mere moment, Tassadar felt the other two closing in on his location.

With his prey still in hand, the templar abruptly stopped running as he crouched down low to the ground before kicking himself up into the air. The arm holding Nataku's weapon form surged up to grab at the kishin's thigh even as the creature lashed out in an attempt to slash at Tassadar's face and armoured chest.


soulparadox July 15 2010, 04:03:41 UTC
A flinch through the ribbon, causing a ripple of fabric across the weapon, at hearing the raised tones, but he was able to keep focused this time rather than take it to heart. There would be time to do so later. It did not seem that he would even be able to have time to apologize, but at least understood that Tassadar could feel his apology.

The ribbon wrapped around the kishin's leg before jutting upward to enter the creature's chest cavity just underneath the ribcage. Tearing through the body, through the heart, even with delayed reaction and speed, it was somewhat easy to launch the attack with the creature being so close. The only true way to deal with the delay that he had brought on. No. Nataku chided his thoughts quickly, lest the electricity of a failed resonation began as before ( ... )


aiursfavoredson July 15 2010, 05:04:36 UTC
Unlike the previous kishin they'd gone up against, the ones they now faced seemed to be far more efficient and faster than the previous enemies. No sooner had he launched himself up in the air to escape them did one, and the other, follow his movements ( ... )


soulparadox July 15 2010, 05:18:27 UTC
Will it come true? Once more the thoughts went to what the fortune teller had said about the Protoss's death. His focus completely on the kishin that was latched onto his meister. The twisting of the ribbon indicated his feelings on the matter as he was about to lash out at the kishin, glad for the close target. It would ensure its death, and with the other being frightened by something, he could also make sure those last few seconds were painful. It really did seem that he was becoming more and more vindictive toward these creatures. Because he did not want that future to come to pass, because he did not like the idea of destiny still being unavoidable.

Tassadar. The clone still was not one to raise his voice, even if strings of muted panic rushed through their connection. However, he could feel an immediate change with the Protoss. It was enough to give pause as he could no longer feel what he dubbed as kindness from the alien. What was replaced was something completely different. The only positive was that Nataku was feeling the ( ... )


aiursfavoredson July 15 2010, 05:29:36 UTC
There seemed to be no reason within his attacks. All that mattered was the sense of primal anger and lust for blood he felt within. He felt no sense of satisfaction at seeing his enemy being torn apart, or even when Nataku's words attempted to speak to him moments before his weapon moved in to attack.

His mind remained linked with the kishins around them, and even when the one in his grasp died and disappeared, the templar's thoughts remained locked with the sole survivor. Tassadar's eyes remained burning yellow as he crouched down low to the ground. Fixating his unwavering attention on their last enemy, the warrior didn't hesitate in taking off after his prey.

Whether the creature could still see the imposing form of the ultralisk barreling down on its location or Tassadar's animalistic sense was uncertain. What was certain, however, was the overcoming of fear the creature had as it snapped and snarled at the incoming pair.


soulparadox July 15 2010, 05:37:33 UTC
Need to kill this creature before Tassadar injures himself. It was becoming something of a mantra for Nataku to think on since he could no longer hear Tassadar's voice telling him what it was that he should do. Odd to find something reassuring when it is no longer present. He did not ever think that he would find something along those lines. Is this a new attack of theirs? It did not do much to weaken them as it did bring what little anger that the clone could feel to fruition ( ... )


aiursfavoredson July 15 2010, 05:55:23 UTC
The ribbon snaking out caught the templar's attention, but he ignored it in favour of the larger enemy. Yellow eyes blazed brightly as Tassadar ashed out with his claws towards the kishin's chest and torso. The enemy, in return, leapt up into the air as its own claws swiped towards the warrior's face.

They crashed head on in their movements, but Tassadar's larger form had the advantage as he knocked the kishin off balance. The moment that his enemy toppled over, the templar's armoured foot came slamming down to begin crushing against the kishin's face.


soulparadox July 15 2010, 06:07:03 UTC
That was all the help that he needed as he once more unraveled from Tassadar's arm to lash at the kishin. The ribbon wrapped tight around the creature's head, dealing with the Protoss trying to crush the enemy's face as well. It hurt to deal with, but the mouth was locked shut with the cloth as it continued to thrash. Constricting the material, wincing at being crushed along with the beast's face, the weapon heard a satisfactory snapping and giving beneath his hold. The last of their enemies was reduced to a red soul.

Is this relief? Nataku was uncertain as he reverted back to his human form. Scratches, gashes, and other such injuries covered his body. His right eye was blinded slightly by the blood from a wound just above it. He paused as he looked up at Tassadar, the sight was obscured slightly by his own injures. But he was remembering that he could not yet rest. The tearing had come on his side -- a deep gash across it -- yet he ignored his injuries ( ... )


aiursfavoredson July 15 2010, 06:34:01 UTC
Tassadar didn't notice the fact that Nataku was still trapped within the creature's mouth. All that mattered was satiating the thirst for blood he had within. It happened all too quickly, and the life of the vile creature beneath his hulking form was taken moments before it disappeared entirely. In that same moment all sense of reason returned as the blood-lust connection was severed ( ... )


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