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soulparadox July 15 2010, 05:37:33 UTC
Need to kill this creature before Tassadar injures himself. It was becoming something of a mantra for Nataku to think on since he could no longer hear Tassadar's voice telling him what it was that he should do. Odd to find something reassuring when it is no longer present. He did not ever think that he would find something along those lines. Is this a new attack of theirs? It did not do much to weaken them as it did bring what little anger that the clone could feel to fruition.

The ribbon lashed out at the remaining, whipping the ground violently with the hope of catching a limb or its skull in the process, but the delay had increased with the injuries that he had sustained from the last kishin. Overall, the attack was sloppy and easily predicted even for a creature full of blood-lust. It dodged the cloth with ease before biting onto it to give it a vicious tear before Nataku could pull it back. More wincing and pulling back to wrap around his meister's arm.

Now it did not seem to matter which end was tied to the Protoss as both were red. Very little of the ribbon retained its original white color, but that did not do more than act as another slight obstacle.


aiursfavoredson July 15 2010, 05:55:23 UTC
The ribbon snaking out caught the templar's attention, but he ignored it in favour of the larger enemy. Yellow eyes blazed brightly as Tassadar ashed out with his claws towards the kishin's chest and torso. The enemy, in return, leapt up into the air as its own claws swiped towards the warrior's face.

They crashed head on in their movements, but Tassadar's larger form had the advantage as he knocked the kishin off balance. The moment that his enemy toppled over, the templar's armoured foot came slamming down to begin crushing against the kishin's face.


soulparadox July 15 2010, 06:07:03 UTC
That was all the help that he needed as he once more unraveled from Tassadar's arm to lash at the kishin. The ribbon wrapped tight around the creature's head, dealing with the Protoss trying to crush the enemy's face as well. It hurt to deal with, but the mouth was locked shut with the cloth as it continued to thrash. Constricting the material, wincing at being crushed along with the beast's face, the weapon heard a satisfactory snapping and giving beneath his hold. The last of their enemies was reduced to a red soul.

Is this relief? Nataku was uncertain as he reverted back to his human form. Scratches, gashes, and other such injuries covered his body. His right eye was blinded slightly by the blood from a wound just above it. He paused as he looked up at Tassadar, the sight was obscured slightly by his own injures. But he was remembering that he could not yet rest. The tearing had come on his side -- a deep gash across it -- yet he ignored his injuries.

Pushing himself up to a standing position, the clone took a few hesitant steps to the alien. His hand came out to lightly touch his meister's as he once more tried to resonante with him; to return to his weaponized form. His head bowed as he exerted what little energy that he had left to ensure that Tassadar would be safe, if not by the creatures that he suddenly felt blood-lust for than by himself. It was the duty of a weapon to ensure the safety of their meister. Nataku remembered the conversation which he had with Lightning, that duty and worry could go hand in hand. He was willing to admit that he was worried about the Protoss as well, then.


aiursfavoredson July 15 2010, 06:34:01 UTC
Tassadar didn't notice the fact that Nataku was still trapped within the creature's mouth. All that mattered was satiating the thirst for blood he had within. It happened all too quickly, and the life of the vile creature beneath his hulking form was taken moments before it disappeared entirely. In that same moment all sense of reason returned as the blood-lust connection was severed.

His eyes immediately returned back to their calming blue as Tassadar collapsed down to one knee. There was no denying the odd exhaustion that ravaged his mind and body. What had happened needed further reflection and meditation without a doubt, but now was hardly the time for such things.

The templar's attention shifted over to Nataku as he felt his weapon drawing in closer. There was no mistaking the injuries or the fact that the weapon was still attempting to resonate with him despite them. His skin remained that dark brown colour, a backlash of the blood-lust he'd experience moments before, and as Nataku touched on his arm, Tassadar forced his body back up to stand.

"You are in need of medical assistance," Tassadar offered instead of speaking of what had just happened. Reaching out, the templar moved to pick up his injured weapon. There was no need to resonate to feel the worry his weapon had for him, but that was the least of their concerns at this point. "Hold on to me."


soulparadox July 15 2010, 06:43:29 UTC
Tassadar remained the same coloring as before; the same when his voice ceased echoing in Nataku's head. It was what made him think that the Protoss was lost to him. Only a portion of his body was able to change before it reverted back to its human form. One merely needed more concentration, but it broke when the alien brought himself up to stand. Am I no longer recognized? The clone looked up in a manner that was neither hopeful nor glad that the alien could still move, but saddened at the thought that he might be killed at this moment after going so far to protect his meister.

It would upset Kamui. It would upset Altair. But he could not raise a hand against Tassadar any more than he could raise a hand against either of them. His head lowered slightly before he heard the Protoss's voice. Jerking his head back up, he stared at him in surprise. Despite his injuries, he smiled in the weak manner. Those minutes of silence where he could hear nothing and could only feel blood-lust from his meister were astoundingly lonely. Even more so when he thought that he would not be able to hear the other's voice at all ever again.

Reaching out to help himself to be picked up, he held onto him as he was instructed to do so. "En Taro Tassadar."


aiursfavoredson July 15 2010, 07:13:30 UTC
His body relaxed momentarily when Nataku reached out in return to his offering. While he hadn't been the main cause of his weapon's injuries, what little memory he currently held of the previous moments informed him that not all had been done by the enemy.

Tassadar said nothing in return to the honorifics Nataku offered him. His deeds were hardly deserving of them, after all, but that wouldn't stop him from taking his injured weapon to see medical aid. With that in mind, Tassadar held onto Nataku as he retreated from their area.

[Running to the medical tent. ]


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