May 22, 2010 12:08

Characters: OPEN to new arrivals and NPCS.
Where: En route to Casualty Communal
Rating: Gen
Time: August 8, Afternoon
Description: Deathscythe takes these new batch of arrivals to Casualty Communal together with some of Shibusen's finest crayzees part two!

The BREW's really been working overtime, lately... )

blair, !newcomer, galatea, spirit albarn, yuri lowell, pepper potts, fuyuki hinata, adah price, nate "near" river, oruha, saber, flynn scifo, john adams, tseng, yao wong (china)

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daddyscythe May 22 2010, 04:16:10 UTC
You'll see a bunch of wrecked structures here and there. There's a sign of some fire that happened lately, although the damage is minimal. His expression turned a little serious.

"We've just had a fight with a kishin lately, which means that the city is still recovering from that. Kishins will be covered in class.

At the same time, we have a criminal on the loose, so I would advice that everyone should practice caution when leaving the Communal and going anywhere. The criminal's name is Doctor Jonathan Crane, aka Scarecrow, and his modus operandi is to catch and experiment on people. He uses chemicals on these people to trigger their fears."


bravoalphamike May 22 2010, 21:19:05 UTC
[ This is about the time when Tseng wanders away from the crowd, if only to swipe one gloved finger across an exposed beam and frown down at it like it's decided to insult his mother. ]

I trust there is a plan in action to eliminate him?


daddyscythe May 23 2010, 02:35:05 UTC
[ What is that guy doing... Spirit hopes fervently that BREW hadn't just dragged in another OCD guy like that Monk dude. ]

Er, yes! The guests and the local police have been conducting constant patrols to keep an eye out for him, and curfews and escort groups have been planned to keep the guests -- his primary targets -- safe.


bravoalphamike May 23 2010, 08:12:34 UTC
[ Tseng nods respectfully. Oh, oh, what do you have against OCD guys, Mr. Spirit? ]

Thank you. I suppose then that you're not the person to talk to if I wanted more information about these patrols?


daddyscythe May 23 2010, 08:19:19 UTC
[ He works under Death the Kid. And there's another man who came who is exactly like him. ]

Ah, no. The patrol was organized by the guests this time. The one who started it was England.


bravoalphamike May 23 2010, 08:22:41 UTC
[ We feel for you, dawg! ]

How generous. I'm sorry if I've interrupted your tour; curiosity got the best of me, it seems.


daddyscythe May 23 2010, 08:25:56 UTC
Not at all, not at all! There are countries among the guests, and they tend to keep the group organized. You can talk to them if you need anything that we can't provide.


bravoalphamike May 23 2010, 08:28:00 UTC
. . . "Countries among the guests", sir?


daddyscythe May 23 2010, 08:42:05 UTC
Yeah. [headscratch] There are some umm, personification of countries among the guests. They're really helpful!


bravoalphamike May 23 2010, 09:41:12 UTC
My apologies; we don't have anything like that in my world, unless you count the presidency. I'll keep an eye out for them, thank you.


daddyscythe May 24 2010, 03:11:16 UTC
They're a nice bunch, most of them! [Not really, they're very suspicious in nature.] And they do a lot to help out the guests! They even have cultural exchanges and stuff, and they assist the guests they've identified as their citizens a lot more than usual.


cardfortress May 23 2010, 17:27:41 UTC
[Here, Spirit, have a pajama-wearing detective staring blankly at you. Near isn't 100% convinced that this is real, not yet, but being in denial won't do him any good when he can gather precious information instead.]

A criminal on the loose? You kidnap us into your world, to fight your war, and you can't even catch one single criminal?


daddyscythe May 24 2010, 03:14:17 UTC

[Spirit looks the kid over - notes the pajamas and the weird physical appearance - and sighs and replies.]

Crane hasn't yet displayed activities that would note him down as a kishin egg. At the moment, he is not in Shibusen jurisdiction and falls under the responsibility of the local police until they allow us into the case. The most we can do is help warn the guests and set up some patrols of our own when we have the spare manpower for it - something which, as you have noted with the BREW's activities, is often unavailable to us.


cardfortress May 25 2010, 00:32:53 UTC
[Near is Not Impressed, and he keeps staring just as blankly as before; the only difference is the hand reaching up to twirl at a white strand of hair.]

Even if the police doesn't do a thing, that doesn't mean you cannot act. You know that he uses chemicals on his victims, which means that he has to buy those chemicals somewhere, unless he has a chemistry lab of his own. If he does own a lab, then you should search for it. You should check his victims for any possible patterns in their characteristics, as well. It's that simple.

[He lets go of that strand of hair, and starts twirling another one.]

If you need something done, do it yourself instead of waiting for others to do their supposed jobs.


daddyscythe May 25 2010, 02:31:28 UTC
[Spirit is getting tired of having to explain this over and over… Still, he sighs and does so.]

Like I said, we're short-handed and we're not actually equipped for this kind of investigation. There are what, five…? Or so detectives out of the guests, and as far as I know, they're all on the job. Sherlock Holmes is on the case. I would rather we concentrate on the war efforts and keeping the city afloat.


cardfortress May 27 2010, 17:54:38 UTC
[You should make a hologram copy of yourself for this, Spirit. Thanks for the info, though, even though Near is disappointed that so many people haven't managed to catch the Scarecrow yet.

But! The mention of Sherlock Holmes does intrigue him. It should have sounded far more strange than it did, but hey, he was brought to a world that seemed right out of a comic book, after all.]

How do you want us to concentrate on your war when there is such a criminal on the loose? That's not a very logical thought.


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