May 22, 2010 12:08

Characters: OPEN to new arrivals and NPCS.
Where: En route to Casualty Communal
Rating: Gen
Time: August 8, Afternoon
Description: Deathscythe takes these new batch of arrivals to Casualty Communal together with some of Shibusen's finest crayzees part two!

The BREW's really been working overtime, lately... )

blair, !newcomer, galatea, spirit albarn, yuri lowell, pepper potts, fuyuki hinata, adah price, nate "near" river, oruha, saber, flynn scifo, john adams, tseng, yao wong (china)

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daddyscythe May 22 2010, 04:13:03 UTC
You are led down the stairs and through the streets. Here, the shops all have a distinct holloween to them, but the paths are made of cobblestone and are pretty quaint.

"Shibusen will provide for your basic necessities, no worries. If you see the Holocaust Mall over there, the grocery should have everything you need for your every day needs. However and unfortunately, we can't fund your more expensive luxuries, so you'll need to gain employment for that if you like. We're currently coordinating with the rest of the city for job openings that you can apply to. The bank is accepting accounts from you, too, so no worries there."


blackmagicpussy May 22 2010, 04:54:03 UTC
A cat is perched on one of the walls, watching the new group. Is it grinning? And why is it wearing a hat?


daddyscythe May 22 2010, 14:12:22 UTC
That cat is familiar. Spirit eyes it with interest, boob-senses tingling. Oh!

"Blair~ We have new people today!"


blackmagicpussy May 23 2010, 03:01:12 UTC
The cat meows in response before jumping away. More people to play with would be nice. She will see you all soon!


marked_songbird May 22 2010, 05:22:53 UTC
How generous.

[still. jobs, hmm?]

You wouldn't happen to know if there are any places looking for a singer, then? Even just a small bar or something similar would do.


daddyscythe May 22 2010, 14:16:01 UTC
There are a fair amount of bars and lounges in the entertainment district. I think you can find one or two places that are looking for a singer, really!


marked_songbird May 22 2010, 14:23:27 UTC
As I thought, this place really is a lot like home.

[as an afterthought:] Except perhaps for the heat. Is it always like this?


daddyscythe May 22 2010, 14:54:29 UTC
Oh, well... This time of the year, yes. It gets better?


marked_songbird May 23 2010, 00:15:17 UTC
You're not saying that to make me feel better, are you?


daddyscythe May 23 2010, 02:30:57 UTC
No, no, not at all! It's the middle of summer right now, see. We're usually maybe some five or ten degrees lower. [Laughs.]


marked_songbird May 23 2010, 06:00:38 UTC
That's a relief! I was beginning to think I'd melt sooner or later.


[video] daddyscythe May 24 2010, 03:09:45 UTC
You don't have to worry about that! [Excitable, this man. He takes her hand and then surveys the Death City skyline for a particular building-ah, there.] See that building over there? [It's very purple.] Next to it is a nice ice cream shop. I'm sure you can find nice things to cool off!


everdistant May 23 2010, 01:58:40 UTC
While hardly the high-maintenance sort -- somewhat ironic given her former station -- there were a number of needs that Saber had. Tea was not an expensive habit, but she did need something to wear other than her blue gold-hemmed dress and petticoat.

"What of clothing? Will that be provided, as well?"


daddyscythe May 23 2010, 02:33:08 UTC
Oh, what a lovely lady! Spirit was instantly by her side, eager to accommodate.

Spirit nodded and smiled, pointing at the mall. "Yes, definitely! Only maybe the more basic ones, but the mall is stocked with a lot of different kind of clothing. You're cute, so I'm sure whatever you get will look nice on you!"


everdistant May 23 2010, 04:02:12 UTC
Spirit was awarded a blank stare from the petite blonde, who was completely oblivious to the compliment. A combination of sealing away one's emotions and disguising oneself as a man tended to have that effect.

"Simple clothing will be more than sufficient. I only need more practical attire for this environment."


daddyscythe May 23 2010, 05:31:01 UTC
Well... she wasn't very friendly. Still, he persisted in being as pleasant as he could be!

"Well, if that's what you'd like! Make sure to use sunblock, too, all right. You don't look like you're so used to the sun."


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