Feb 26, 2011 15:09
Does anybody else here find the organization not merely unsatisfying but completely pathetic? We have some defective machinery bringing people who may be of some use when it comes to solving this world's problems, but anyone else who went on the recent introductory tour -- and I won't even waste breath pointing out how needless it was -- would realize it is an frighteningly inefficient method for a cause such as this.
Well. The situation isn't entirely hopeless. It is fortunate that people like myself are almost amongst the arrivals to compensate for those who are useless. There would be no need for such redundant manpower if there were more intellectuals in the city. It's so obvious that it almost doesn't need to be said, but it appears quite frequently that fools need the obvious outlined to them.
If anyone has information of actual use that wasn't mentioned during the tedium of the introductory sessions, then I want it reported to me. Now.
c: franziska von karma,
c: roy mustang,
c: sokka,
c: azusa yumi,
c: spirit albarn,
c: phoenix wright,
c: tokugawa ieyasu,
c: miles edgeworth