September 30 morning | video

Dec 03, 2010 23:26


[Azusa is sitting primly on her desk, with the communicator on the table in front of her and the minimalist lines of her office as her background. Observant viewers might notice that she's looking even more inscrutable than usual--she's had a trying couple of days. Colleagues being difficult and all that.]

The mission to Michigan will commence tomorrow. We need to know who's participating so we may draw up a list. Please say so in this post, and I will take down your names. As always, we prefer that volunteers be partnered, as resonance will boost your offense and defense and help protect you from grave injury, but we understand that there might be those of you who wish to help, but have been unable to find their own partners.

Therefore, we are also opening this mission to unpartnered guests, provided they are capable fighters. We will be distributing reinforced conventional weapons, and you will be armed appropriately for the duration of the mission.

[Her voice turns just the teeniest bit disapproving at the last, as if she isn't particularly happy about the inclusion of unpartnered (and vulnerable, in her mind) guests in the mission, but what can she do? There are times when men must step forward and risk breaking their necks for manly causes.

This next bit... she actually inclines her head subtly so that her glasses film over slightly, obscuring her eyes.]

Our scouts conducting surveillance operations of the Michigan factory have stumbled across a pile of corpses, of civilians kidnapped from two dozen other cities around the United States. All dead for about a week now, roughly beaten, spines removed. We have been attempting to retrieve them, but we can't get to all of them and risk alerting the enemy to our movements.

[pause] We intend to finish retrieval operations once we have cleared out the factory and eradicated any danger, and give the victims proper burials.

[OOC: Please post to here, as well! Replying to Azusa is more for IC purposes, while the OOC mission thread in the mod journal is for OOC record purposes. Thank you!]

c: frolbericheri, c: sherlock holmes, c: shibuya yuuri, c: vergil sparda, c: yoko ritona, c: grell sutcliff, c: kozato enma, c: kiku honda (japan), c: saralegui, c: fakir, c: kyo sohma, c: gilbert weillschmidt (prussia), c: date masamune, c: heine rammsteiner, c: toph bei fong, c: rock lee, c: roy mustang, c: fa mulan, c: eiríkur ragnarsson (iceland), c: misa amane, c: yuna, c: ran fan, c: zack fair, c: shouta mikoshiba, c: yao wong (china), azusa yumi, c: spitfire, c: itachi uchiha, c: hyuuga neji, c: naomi kimishima, c: norma beatty, c: badou nails

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